Man Says Wife Was Accidentally Shot During Sex - Cincinnati News Story - WLWT Cincinnati I have heard of rough sex before but Holy Crap Batman.
"rough sex make it the garden or in the dirt....roll around...georgia brown...thats the way that i like it twerp"
Wow. Something tells me they were doing it wrong..... Also, wonder what exactly he would be reaching for off the nightstand DURING sex?
Talk about taking "give it to me" to another level. Some men talk their way out of having sex, this man used a gun to ensure he'll never have sex with that woman again. Or, could it be a serious case of hate ****ing gone awry?
Do you remmeber that episode of Seinfield where George hid food in the nightstand so he can **** and eat at the same time? EDIT: and watch TV [ame][/ame] Yeah, This was an "accident" alright.