[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TBCZLIH4KY&eurl"]YouTube - Funny Cheerleader Accidents[/ame] lol So difficult to pick a favorite. If I had to though, it would probably be the dumbass who gets trampled by the entire football team behind that banner.
Isnt cheerleading one of the most dangerous HS level sports out there? I know there are quite a few movement out there to ban things like pyramids and throwing etc. Some were pretty funny (the cartwheel faceplant) but some of the others ... ouch those were some hard landings!
lol in the first one the girl lands directly on her back in a cement parking lot. Thank your friends for launching you backwards 5 feet.
Its amazing that some of these kids don't get seriously hurt, like the girl in the parking lot. How they manage to walk away without broken bones, backs, necks, etc... is beyond me. You know they wake up in the mornings with a whole new hurt...
when I was in high school a girl actually did break her back on a fall like that. The next year she had to wear a cast thing around her waste at all times.
Have any of you guys seen where the cheerleader goes through the basketball hoop. I will try to find it.
Found it. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbD4B3fk3_8"]YouTube - Cheerleader Through Basketball Hoop Examined[/ame]
i enjoyed the attempt at the backwards leapfrog. my sister-in-law got drunk for new years and tried to play leapfrog..landed on a stick that went through her eardrum. holy moses is right!! she held a pitch that even mariah carey would be proud of.
While that video was both funny and enjoyable, my favorite was the related video "Cheerleader dances with Big Boobs!" They were like Pom-poms on her cheast. mmmm...