Yes its true Fox has pulled the plug on my favorite animated series after over a decade. I know 'King of the Hill' was a love it or hate it show but it was definitely different blending a live action comedy and an animated series together so seamlessly that sometimes I forgot I was watching a so called cartoon. The sad thing is the show has continued putting out great shows while 'The Simpsons' has been getting worse and worse over the past few years to the point where I no longer watch it. Family Guy and American Dad are okay but Family Guy has lost its once witty and funny luster. I would much rather have seem any of those shows canceled but oh well. Anyway Fox has ordered 13 more episodes which will run in the 2009-2010 schedule and I think there are still some new ones left for the is year that have already been made. So technically there is one more year left. I only wonder what Mike Judge will do from here and hopefully now Fox will put American Idol on Sundays so they can show it three days a week. Link to article detailing cancellation: Reign ends for 'King of the Hill' -
King of the Hill is an awful show. Good Riddance. Now, if they cancel Family Guy and American Dad, that would be the best.
king of the hill had its few good seasons, then i kinda lost interest. family guy i could care less if it was cancelled now, the show isn't funny anymore, and since it rehashes old jokes so much, it'd be more worthwhile just to show the old episodes to begin with. on a semitangent, i wish they could delete the past 10 seasons or so of the simpsons too. the other day during the rain delay in the world series they showed an old(er) simpsons episode, and it made me remember how many good seasons of that show there were (talking hundreds of episodes) NONE of which they replay on tv anymore. every re-run of the simpsons i have seen recently is from about 2003-present.
Since the guy that just bought our condo works or has worked on this show, I'm glad they waited until after our escrow closed to announce this. Seriously, he's a very talented guy and I know he'll find other work, just interesting timing.
Its much funnier if you live in Texas for a little while. I lived up north for most of my life and never found it particularly funny. Amusing but not something Id watch regularly and such. Now though its quite a bit funnier. And even though FG isnt quite as good, I still enjoy it and wouldnt be happy if it were cut. I mean seriously, its not like the networks are flooded with great shows right now. A small handful, and the rest is rotating trash.
It was never my favorite show, but it wasinoffensive as a show. I think its staying power is much better than Family Guy. I think American Dad is still funny and I maintain that even though The Simpsons isn't as good as it used to be, it is still the cream of the crop for adult cartoons. Anyhow. It sounds like Fox is at least giving King of the Hill a chance to write its own ending with its 13 episodes. It has earned that right imo.
Agree with a lot of what you said but The Simpsons is a shell of its former self. It just doesn't have the great stories it had back in the mid to late 90s when I was a huge fan (maybe its because I was younger ). I always liked King of the Hill because it didn't try to get too ridiculous and was even funnier if you read between the lines. Judge did political humor and comments so subtly on the shows sometimes it was genius. There was no need to show McCain and Palin as Nazis or anything like that to get its points across. It was a smart witty show that added a whole other level to it that made it very respectable. Probably only the hardcore fans like myself picked up on that though and I guess that's why you love it or hate it.
Far and away favorite cartoon sitcom - shame it's being cancelled I felt a kindred spirit with Hank. I'll tell you what.
simpsons is still a good show. No need to overexagerate the step or two it lost by calling it a shell of its former self.
step or two? leaps and bounds in my opinion. i can hardly sit through an episode anymore. and i'm not one of those people to just go with the trend and not even give it a chance. i've tried, oh i've tried to enjoy it and i just can't anymore. someday when i have more of a disposable income i'll eventually go start buying dvd sets of it, bc it really is still my favorite show of all time
After awhile they all lose something. The originallity begins to fade. Simpsons have been going for so long its a true testament to how good the show is to still be on the air making new episodes is amazing. I never could get into king of the hill. I did like the episode where Bobby learns karate in a womens self defense class though.
Family Guy is clearly on top of the Adult Cartoon mountain atm. Anyone who dislikes that show dislikes pop-culture. KOTH was never a great show IMO, but always a good one. Personally, I thought Judge shouldve stuck with Beavis & Butt-head, the borderline greatest show of all-time.
Funniest thing ever was when I was in Germany and they showed King of the Hill. Nothing like a Texas country boy speaking German
I don't think its that bad, I ve probably seen every episode a lot of times, and I have no problem with the new episodes. Some of the satire is a little bit more blatant, and the jokes aren't as funny, but leaps and bounds shell of its former self, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw.
Gotcha dude. Enforcer, Gish, Sick and a few other losers bashe that show in the Cartoon thread a couple months back. I feel its my duty to defend the genius that was that show.
I thought the show was classic. I was a kid and thought it was hysterical. Who cares what they think they missed out big time!
I fell asleep during it TWICE. Guess I was never really a Simpsons fan though. I hope Sam doesn't shun me now.