Kaep Working Out for Raiders

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Galant, May 25, 2022.

  1. Finatik

    Finatik Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    May 2, 2014
    SO Cal
    He's a cancer that was rightly cut out. Why would you want that growth back on your team.
    resnor likes this.
  2. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Kaepernick isn’t going to play for the Raiders…or any other NFL this year nor likely ever again. In my opinion, his workout with the Raiders was nothing more than a publicity stunt. He’s been out of the public eye for quite some time and needed attention drawn back to him again…only for him to cry foul again for not being signed if I were a betting man.
    resnor likes this.
  3. Finatik

    Finatik Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    May 2, 2014
    SO Cal
    The media and other media sites have some weird vested interest in trying to rehabilitate the guy by only focusing on how he throws the ball. His racist comments wouldn’t be tolerated and he would have been permanently cancelled if he we’re of other persuasion.
  4. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    What racist comments did he say?
  5. Finatik

    Finatik Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    May 2, 2014
    SO Cal
    We’re not allowed to discuss here as it’s not football related.
    resnor likes this.
  6. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    "Given the fact that he hasn’t played professional football since 2016, it’d be understandable if Colin Kaepernick showed a bit of rust. Teams would presumably be more interested in seeing if the things that made him a breakout star, like athleticism and arm strength, remained intact. According to Breer, that’s more or less what the Raiders saw.

    “The Raiders’ workout of Colin Kaepernick … was positive,” he wrote in May 30’s MMQB column. “I’d say the door is being left open for a deal, but it probably won’t happen right now. The workout itself went well. He didn’t blow everyone away or anything like that. But he showed he was in shape, and that his arm strength is still intact, even at 34 years old and after five seasons out of the league. The upshot for Vegas, as I see it, is twofold. One, owner Mark Davis has long been an advocate for Kaepernick, and his cause, and so being the team to give him an opportunity lines up with where the boss is philosophically. Two, there just aren’t a zillion NFL-capable quarterbacks out there. So if you’re going to be a team that looks under every rock, as Josh McDaniels said the Raiders would be last week, this makes sense as one to turn over. For now, my sense is Kaepernick did well enough to keep himself in the discussion.”

    So, where does that leave the quarterback? At this point, he’ll probably have to play the waiting game.

    “And my guess is the Raiders give themselves the rest of the spring to look at the guys they’ve been working with behind Derek Carr, Nick Mullens and Jarrett Stidham, and then reassess,” Breer continued. “But for now, it’s a really good development for a quarterback who’s actually three-and-a-half years older than Carr, and I think genuinely wants a chance to compete somewhere for a job this summer (I’m not sure NFL teams were convinced that was the case in the past).”

    Breer wasn’t the only one to share that sentiment, though. On an NFL Total Access segment, Mike Garafolo said that he believes Kaepernick will be on an NFL roster for the 2022 campaign.

    “I’ll say yes,” he explained. “And I think it may very well be the Raiders. And the fact that they didn’t sign him immediately is not necessarily an indication that they have moved on. It’s more about let’s see where this goes, let’s see our roster, let’s see where else he winds up working out. That could be a factor, as well. But I’ll say yes, and likely in Las Vegas. We’ll see.”

    While there are some obvious caveats there — Kaepernick will turn 35 during the upcoming campaign and has spent multiple years away from football, which could complicate a return — one reality remains. If you’re only looking for a backup quarterback, Kaep is probably better than your alternative options.

    In this case, let’s consider Mullens and Stidham. The former man has spent four years in the NFL, starting 17 games. He’s thrown for 4,861 yards in those contests, with 26 touchdowns and 22 interceptions. Stidham’s professional resume is even shorter, as he threw 48 total passes during two years in New England.

    While we don’t know what the Raiders want in their backup quarterback — you could argue there’s some value to having Stidham on the roster as a potential development project — it seems unlikely that the organization will look at either of those two men and say, “He can win us eight games in an emergency.” If you simply want a backup who can hold down the fort if Carr suffers an injury, Kaepernick certainly deserves consideration. Is he going to steal the starting job and throw for 45 touchdowns while running for 20 more? Of course not, but, as Breer said, there’s a limited talent pool. If the former 49er can simply do more than the other backups out there, he should be considered for the job."

    Colin Kaepernick 'Didn't Blow Everyone Away' During His Raiders Workout, but It Still 'Went Well' (sportscasting.com)
    KeyFin likes this.
  7. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    That's exactly what I was thinking while reading the article. It's debatable if Kaep can outplay Carr- probably not at his age with 6 years off. But is he better than Mullins and Stidham? I think we all know the answer to that.

    Personally, I hope they sign him. And my reasoning is simple- either he'll return to his elite form in that one NFL season, or he'll ride the bench for a little while and eventually get cut. Either way though, THIS STORY goes away because there will be nothing else to say on the matter. He can prove his worth on the field.
    resnor likes this.
  8. Irishman

    Irishman Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    High Point, NC

    If that was said by Lynch, then the reality is "K" opted out.
    Nothing changes that.

    "K" has to live with the actions he took - period!
    "K" was in big trouble with the team for poor play - that's why he was benched.
    If "K" thought they were going to release him anyway, it was still his decision to go at the time he left.
    Nothing changes that.

    "K" should stop trying to blame everyone else for his failure to develop as a QB.

    He took to kneeling and claiming racism was the reason for his being benched, in a profession that has shown through the percentage of the current players who are black and doing well. That means he doesn't have a legitimate argument for racism.

    I have only one thing to say to "K".

    So long, don't let the door hit you in the but as you leave - Whoops, a little late for that warning I guess. - LOL
    resnor and Dolphin Dundee like this.
  9. Dolphin Dundee

    Dolphin Dundee Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    I still have no clue how anyone defends this guy. There are so many guys we never heard of that deserve a shot over this clown i just don't get it.
    resnor and Irishman like this.
  10. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Your agenda doesn't really change that he was going to be released. Whether you are ok with teams not signing him for protesting is not the topic at hand.
    Silverphin likes this.
  11. xphinfanx

    xphinfanx Stay strong my friends.

    Nov 1, 2009
    Raiders will always be Raiders
  12. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    In his final year, Kaep posted a 90.7 rating (14th overall) on a 2-14 football team. That was his 3rd best season ever, and he had a respectable 16 TD's, 4 INT's. His previous two seasons were considerably worse though and the writing was on the wall with or without the protests. On a two win team, you're probably going to swap out quarterbacks.

    As I said earlier, I don't really care about the kneeling. Looking at tis purely from a football decision, Kaep was not an obvious starting QB in his last three seasons. Yet he was adamant that he would only accept interviews were he would be the starter AND become one of the top paid QB's of that time. Nobody was going to sign up for all of that- not from a 2-14 team's quarterback that's more focused on protests than football. The dagger though was opting out with the belief that someone would pay him more for his efforts.

    I admire the guy for believing in something and speaking out. A lot of you hated Tebow for believing in something as well, and even the "Tebowmania" wasn't enough to overcome his awkward throwing motion and low completion percentage. It's the exact same story though- folks wanted to sign Tebow as a RB or a TE and he said no, he was a QB. And that's why he washed out. Kaep made the same poor choices.
  13. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I know this is a general statement, so this ain't a hit dog hollering, but...

    I didn't mind what Tebow stand for. I just felt he was too stubborn to consider changing to a different position. Him trying his bit at tight end with the Jags was the right move years too late.
    KeyFin likes this.
  14. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    At worst he is a quality backup at the time and there is no evidence he demanded starter money or job

    And I will say it again he did he it would have been leaked by any team who was told that to change the narrative.
  15. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    But that's not how the NFL works. Just look at some of the recent QB trades, like Watson. We were adamant that we had no interest in him, we didn't ask for non-disclosures from 22 women, etc. Or Rodgers in Green Bay, none of those details leaked either and the media was positive he was switching teams. Folks tried to recruit him, sure, but they don't talk about it publicly. It's bad business to air those details because it destroys relationships.

    Maybe you're not aware of the process of a player being signed, but it starts with a GM talking to an agent. And it's very informal- "Hey Bob, how's the family? Is your kid still playing soccer? What are you doing for vacation this year? Yeah Bob, what's the status on Kaep? What's he looking for in a new team? Okay, I'll let the organization know, I don't think we're looking for a starter at that price. Thanks Bob, tell your wife Becca I said hi."

    Until this week, Kaep's agent has been very vocal that he expected to start and be paid well...that's where these negotiations died in an initial five minute phone call over the past six years. The on-field workouts come much later, which is why he's only worked out for a handful of teams. Nobody even considered him a guaranteed starter and they weren't going to waste everyone's time. Because at the end of the day, GM's and agents have to have a good working relationship; you can't build that without being social and fairly open.
    resnor and Irishman like this.
  16. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    The Watson thing doesn't really support your case because its a question of incentive. Miami had no incentive for anyone to think they were interested. The Texans did which is likely why we know about it. We hear about leaks all the time.

    The NFL itself has the incentive. You are crazy if you don't think they want to win the PR battle of them vs Kaepernick and they win it instantly once we find out he wanted too much money and he demanded it and that is why he didn't get signed. Its game over once Adam Schefter reports "numerous teams had interest in Colin Kaepernick but balked at his demand for top starter money" and yet it never happened. You can't pretend we have never heard similar things about other players.

    Instead you are left speculating. You keep saying what his agent said and yet he agent said they didn't make any such demands and they had pretty much no interest from any team. There is no evidence that backs up what you are saying. Not from the teams, his representatives, or reporters.

    In 2017 it was reported by Dan Graziano that he was looking for a chance to compete and 9-10 million and that is just a few weeks into him being a free agent where he is likely demanding the most he ever would. Florio reported that teams viewed him as a starter in that offseason. Beyond that its speculation.
  17. Irishman

    Irishman Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    High Point, NC

    My position is that no matter what the future MAY have been for him, it was his choice to stay and face it or to leave. He chose to leave!

    He left of his own choice and the only one responsible for doing that was "K".

    Any perceived future events are just that - perceived.
    They count for nothing.

    That is all there is to it.
  18. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Wanna see something funny?

    You bring up Kaepernick’s last season in 2016. Take a look at Tannehill’s stats for the same season.

    It’s funny isn’t it? One “should be signed to a team” while the other was run out of Miami for not being good enough.
  19. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    It's a good comparison, and it also shows that "backup" doesn't always mean actually being a backup. RT kept his head down, kept working, and earned the starting job pretty fast.
    Irishman likes this.
  20. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Let's be real.

    Tannehill was backing up Mariotta. It wasn't a matter of if, but when he will start.
  21. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I mean, I personally thought it was obvious...especially since we all know that Tannehill has excellent practices. But they did insist that Mariotta was the starter and that wasn't going to change. Whoops!
    Irishman likes this.
  22. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    And then the coach pretty much he was wrong for that.
    KeyFin likes this.
  23. sandcastle

    sandcastle Active Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    Kaepernick's performance against the Cardinals on September 28, 2015 is overlooked when he's re-evaluated. One the 49ers beat writers had a blog post with film cut-up showing passes overthrown by 15 feet on out routes and WRs trying to get Kaep's attention as Cardinals started to not line up properly. The ones that find are more focus more on fixing Kaep, but can a franchise function when a QB is so ineffective. That team had Anquan Bolden and signed Torrey Smith to a big contract that was never fulfilled due to drop in QB play.

    Michael Crabtree may have also had his career derailed as he was a much better player when he went across town to play for Raiders for a low yearly contract. Another interesting item is that 49ers had have sudden retirements from Glen Coffee and Chris Borland; both played positions also need a high level of physicality and level of commitment. Kaepernick seems to have made out financially much better than his teammates who voluntary or involuntary left the 49ers


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