Jordan Phillips Released!!!!

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Galant, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    Maybe I missed it - but what are these demonstrably "cut worthy" offenses tallied up by Phillips over the years?
  2. Grippa

    Grippa Member

    Dec 27, 2016
    D.Packer next .. I can sense the frustration is boiling. He is the elephant in the room and time to cut -Bait
    adamprez2003 and Redwine4all like this.
  3. Redwine4all

    Redwine4all Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
    Sure, I get it. Fair enough.
  4. Redwine4all

    Redwine4all Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
    I am sorry...I didn't put in CAPS AND BOLD "chances are..." so you missed it. I'm sorry. That's my mistake. I'll try to remember next time to do it to make it easier for you to read.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
    adamprez2003 likes this.
  5. RevRick

    RevRick Long Haired Leaping Gnome Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Thomasville, GA
    I would rather Tannenbaum be sent far, far away to a galaxy unknown to us! Or to the Jest.
    Hiruma78, Irishman and Dol-Fan Dupree like this.
  6. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    Ok, sorry victim. You're the one making the statement, in response to someone else justifying the lack of productivity in 3 players who essentially have legitimate reasons for the lack at this point. You respond to that entire post and discussion around the topic you essentially created, with that comment. Clearly trying to make that your argument for your opinion that "they sucked when we drafted them, they suck now, they're always going to suck". In the context of the conversation, whether you said chances are, or not, your intent by the statement is pretty clear. Dont try and hide from it because I called you out on how ridiculous your comment is. But that's your routine, I get it... Sorry, I should have understood it better.
    danmarino likes this.
  7. Redwine4all

    Redwine4all Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
    Don't be sorry you didn't understand. It's ok.

    Chance are if if they suck when they're drafted they'll suck. Yes, absolutely. I am not hiding from that at all. I don't think that is even controversial.

    I'll make sure when communicating with you that I clearly and boldly identify intensifies in my sentences. It is not something I normally do, but to make it easier for you to read, I don't mind doing it at all! Don't mention it!
  8. Surfs Up 99

    Surfs Up 99 Team Flores & Team Tua

    May 5, 2016
    Are you saying BB can make chicken salad out of chicken ****?
  9. Surfs Up 99

    Surfs Up 99 Team Flores & Team Tua

    May 5, 2016
    What are your thoughts on Greer? Our OL is in shambles again and we are forced to play guys who frankly probably wouldn’t start on the other teams. When asked about the OL a cupful years ago, Greer scoffed at the audacity of the question and said he could rebuild the OL in a year. Well... are you satisfied with our OL? Is our so-so OL on Gase, Greer, the OL coach, or ? .
  10. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    That's a weird complaint. Not many teams have backups who are as good as starters on OL. OL looked very good until injuries took hold.
    OL was rebuilt in one year.
    The So-so OL is due to the injury Gods.
    texanphinatic and Irishman like this.
  11. Grippa

    Grippa Member

    Dec 27, 2016
    What is Adam Gase problem?
    Does he not like Drake?
    Do he really think Gore is better at this age than Drake.. I’m starting to get frustrated with this so Call offensive Genius man.
  12. Surfs Up 99

    Surfs Up 99 Team Flores & Team Tua

    May 5, 2016
    I think they (our starters) are average at best. And maybe the most backups are developmental types, but we should have a guy or two who is ready to go with little to no drop off. However, perhaps, my expectations are a little high though.
  13. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    There is no back up in the league that can come in with little drop off from Sitton.
    Your expectations are unrealistic
  14. Surfs Up 99

    Surfs Up 99 Team Flores & Team Tua

    May 5, 2016
    Really? Well, I guess I am because Gase said the same thing. His expectations are for guys to come in, do their job, and perform. When are we going to stop making excuses?
  15. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Gase says lots of stuff.
  16. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    I understand quite well. You're making an excuse for your original statement; a quote which was said by Parcels. That just... doesn't hold much relevance. Cam Wake was UNDRAFTED. If he bit as a pup, he'd have been drafted, or stuck with the Giants. He didnt. He went to the CFL, and now he's a premier pass rusher in the NFL. So you, using that statement to brush off a pretty factual argument another poster made to dispute you is just... lazy. You can't just run around making claims, using quotes, or passing off your own opinion as fact because you like to over react. (See the thread on Cowher, Fox and Rex for example).

    Here's the thing, you can't say any of them sucked when they were drafted, or... they wouldn't have been highly regarded by NFL teams and drafted in the first place. Do you understand that? What you're doing, is looking at their contributions to this point, and saying, oh, they suck. They're busts. When in reality, the only guy you can really say that about with out much dispute is Harris. Everyone knew he'd have to grow and develop, and it doesn't appear he is just yet. He's bigger and stronger it appears this year, but yeah, it's not coming together yet. YET though... that's the key here. Sometimes, as in Cam Wake (any many others in this league) it takes time for them to develop and grow into roles and systems as players in this league. It doesn't often happen over night.

    So to me, your Parcells quote, is nothing more than you throwing around some words someone else said as a way to simply brush off someone here who responded with a pretty solid argument for each player. Rather than discuss it though, you choose to simply brush it off with a quote you heard somewhere. That's just... ridiculous IMO.

    So, don't bother bolding anything. I understand you quite well. The problem is, I dont think you understand what you're saying half the time, most of it is just an over reaction, or meant to draw a reaction from others. I really don't know, however sure, way to throw "chances are" in there to give yourself a way out, without actually discussing any of the actual players or issues in detail, you'd rather just throw out knee jerk reactions and comments to further stir the pot, without providing a whole lot of substance.

    "Chance are if if they suck when they're drafted they'll suck. Yes, absolutely. I am not hiding from that at all. I don't think that is even controversial."

    Oh, it's pretty controversial. Because... Cam Wake still says hi. Along with Kurt Warner, and a ton of other players who've had tremendous success in this league when given the chance, and time to develop even if they didn't hit the ground running once drafted.

    Sorry that's something that you don't quite understand. I mean, you're here telling us a guy who missed his whole rookie season, and has played 4 games is a bust. Come on... Then you want to dig up a goofy quote from Parcells to dispute someone else making a thought out point about each player, without providing any substance of your own? Come on. The average NFL players career is what... less than 3 years? You're really going out on a limb there saying these guys aren't good after 1.5 years eh? Chances are, the overwhelming majority of players in this league won't meet your standards... whatever they are.

    We'll just agree to disagree here... or something, because I'm not wasting more time with you on this.
  17. Redwine4all

    Redwine4all Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
    Wow... Yes I can see that you are not interested in spending time on the thread. After all you only just posted about 8 paragraphs! ROFL!

    Wake is an outlier Have you heard that term? He's not normal. Harris hasn't flashed Raekwon hasn't flashed, Tank hasn't flashed. One of them, using your logic, could become an all pro. Chances are, they won't.

    Why? Because USUALLY All pro players have shown something. Players are what they are most the time. Parker is immature, lazy, and injury prone. Tunsil is not very bright. James is horribly inconsistent.

    Oh crap...I just realized I didn't BOLD "chances are"...oh well, looks like you're done here anyway. Don't bother going back, chances are you won't understand!
  18. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    All I stated was that every team drafts players in the early rounds which fail to succeed in the NFL. New England is no different in this regard. Yet the fact that the Patriots under Belichick have had success on the field for well over a decade simply shows that he is more capable of getting the best out of players year after year than the other coaches in the NFL.

    The Patriots may not win the SB every year or even make the SB but unlike every other team in the AFC East, they constantly win their division and have a legitimate chance to make it to the SB every year.

    No other team in the NFL has been close to the Patriots when it comes to being a consistent winner over the past decade and a half and Belicheck has done it with constant turnover of players and coaches during this time period.

    If any coach in the NFL could make chicken salad out of chicken .... today, I wouldn’t bet against Belicheck being that coach.
    Surfs Up 99 likes this.
  19. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA

    Outlier? No. He's an example, as are many other players in this league as to why you need to be patient and give guys time to develop.

    Plenty of players go on to be all pro's, after struggling early on. Again, its being patient and giving guys time to get stronger, faster, adapt to different systems and the differences between being a college athlete, and a professional athlete at the NFL level. Not every player in this league, on this team will be a super star. Not every player on every other team is either. GUys develop differently, and yes, some, not at all. It is what it is. We've had more than our fair share due to inept front offices, but sometimes you just have to give them time.

    Youre essentially calling a guy a bust who's played four ****ing games!!! FOUR!!! That's a ridiculous over reaction on your part at this point. Not mine.

    Tank wasn't all that bad in his playing time last year, as a rookie, as a 3rd round pick. Go look up how many third round picks typically turn out to be all pro's. It's not a very high number. Again, you're being unrealistic in your expectations.

    Harris, I already said... I'll give you him. He's had quite a bit of playing time, not alot of results. Still far too early as it's only his second year, but he's been on the field enough to start to give concerns.

    Look, enjoy the rest of this season if you can, although I bet if we won the super bowl this year you'd still find enough to complain about and over react to.
  20. Grippa

    Grippa Member

    Dec 27, 2016
    I hope a team called for him soon . Heard he is being shop , TBh I don’t think they will get anything for him ... meh a 7th round .. Bust

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