Not a word from him this week.....unusually quiet. Did Parcells/Sparano put the kabash on his mouth this week ?
I like to think Joey's just "flying under the radar," and the team has been plotting and scheming new plays to take these Jets by complete surprise.
He said about a month ago that he won't be talking to the local media anymore. Last week he told ESPN that, "The playoffs already started for Mia 3 weeks ago." Thats really all that needs to be said.
How can you just not LOVE Porter. I can't wait to watch him run over Miss Brett in.... now... three hours. GO PHINS!!
I think Joey's just been focused, especially since he had such a quiet week in Kansas City last week. Porter knows the storyline is Favre / Pennington II. I think he's smart enough to know that would be the storyline going in, and that talking a lot of junk would probably be ignored in favor of Favre Love.