awesome job with the text and lighting. outstanding job all around. it really comes off the screen. anal gap. stop with the name hating. words are a form of expression, which includes names.
It really stands out on my screen, the original dimensions are 1920x1080. Plenty of detail is lost in the resizing.
All it needs is pics of every QB he has sacked this season with red x's across their faces, and some guitars and the sword from Braveheart. Oh, and snakes.
Oh look at Opie acting like he's too cool for know very well what that is. I know you're a LOTR geek at heart as well.
that, is one awesome wallpaper. joey sure has given all of you artists some great shots to work with this year
found my new wallpaper. had the one DM made with joey bell and roth in some water, but this one, is special. any chance of one 1440x900?
PM me your email address and I'll send it to you. Photobucket and Imageshack resize the images, I wouldn't be able to upload one that big.
SAVED! this is GREAT L2G! too bad it froze my damn computer when I saved it. I forgive you though. haha