Is anyone else just sick of either Porter or Crowder talking trash before every game and they're not even making plays?
Well at least JT is backing up Crowder and Porters talk sorta indirectly i suppose. Joey needs to bring it this week. I am confident he will.
While I agree with what you are saying, I also agree with what Joey said. Anybody remember which game it was where the DT was just in the general vicinity of Tammy Brady and got flagged?
Funny how Carson Palmers leg gets mangled by the steelers and the league says "Its just football." Tom Bradys leg gets mangled by the Chiefs and a new penalty is put in place 6 months later.
I have to agree. Porter was like this way before he was a dolphin. Also hated the patriots before he was a dolphin as well. It'd be naive of us to have expected him to be any different. Crowder on the other hand has never went after or said anything i disagree with. He stuck up for the Dolphins when Rex Ryan looked past us and I expect the man in the middle of our defense to have that kind of fire. We also need to keep in mind that the media spends all day trying to get guys like porter to say something. its print worthy, its buzz, people wanna hear it. Thats why the NFL network put porter on, when really, they should have had Jason Taylor. But Jason wouldn't have said anything.
Its true, even this season, QB's like Jamarcus Russel and several others get hammered week in and week out, yet there are no flags. Brady gets tapped and there are 14 flags on the field. Last week when we played the Jets is a great example. That hit Gibril put on Sanchez that had Sanchez limping off the field with the air knocked out of him. Lets be honest, if that was Brady I will bet my right arm there is a flag on that play. The rule in general is kind of ridiculous, its football, let the men play. But being biased towards certain QB's because they're franchise or in Brady's case he's "just too valuable to the NFL", that just ridiculous If you're going to call it, CALL IT FOR EVERY QB, whether its Josh Johnson or Peyton Manning.
Porter didn't say anything that any one of us wasn't thinking already. Of course we hate the Cheatriots and their "special" QB.
Porter is right in this case and everybody outside of Boston knows it. He had a huge game up there in Foxboro last season, let's hope that happens again.
Crowder is the new T-Buck. A player that people love to hate on, however isn't nearly as bad as people say he is.
Trash talking? I don't consider this trash talking at all. He was asked the question, and guess what? He's absolutely right about Brady. I wish Porter would talk more. When he isn't talking, he does nothing. Crowder though, that's another story.
I agree with Joey but I also agree with previous posters that he needs to shut up and just make plays on Sunday. I've watched more Pats games this year than I'd like and honestly Brady is his own ref, when he gets hit he gets up challenging the refs to throw a flag its one of the weakest things I've seen as a football fan. I've had a healthy dose of hate but also a healthy dose of respect for Brady....until this year, his open campaigning for flags after hits is a disgrace to the game.
Memo to Jason Taylor, Joey Porter and Channing Crowder, You guys do not play for the Jets, You play for the Miami Dolphins and I as a fan of the team expect that you act like a professional. I don't care what you think about Tom Brady or the Jets or the Jets fans. JUST STFU.
He's also been hurt. I'm sure if your favorite player didn't perform up to standards due to injury, you'd be sure to make note of it. Everyone needs a guy to hate on though.
I find it funny that anyone could really be that upset with anything he has said. After all they are all true and genuine comments. Lets break them down and take a look at them. a)"I hate new England" He does, all the teams in the AFC east hate each other. b)"They Cheated" Well they did that's not even up for debate. c)"They should have an Asterisk by the victory's and championships they won durring this time" Again he's right. They cheated, were caught and convicted. In the end they apologized for it. He's saying that's simply not enough and many people agree. d)"Brady gets preferential treatment" He does. Qbs have been hit for years and it wasn't until he was hurt that they changed the rule that just about every Analysts nick named "The Brady Rule". Watch any of the shows that cover the NFL and they all refer to it as "The Brady Rule". Lets also not forget the plays this year where no flag was called until he turned around and simple asked for it. Do all QB's ask for them if they get hit? Yes. Do they all get them called? No. So in retrospect I understand some folks don't like players who talk. I myself would like to see more football and less chatter but bottom line is everything he said in his interview has already been said but most of the league.
You shouldn't call out JT. He didn't say anything. And when you score defensive touchdowns you can run your mouth. One shouldn't even mention JT in the same breath as Channing Crowder.
Sometimes I wish Porter would shut it... but ya know what, in this case... he's right on. Can't disagree with him one bit.
Honestly, the only way to get rid of his asssinine favoritsm for Tammy Buttchin is for Peezy to just STFU and knock him the **** out of the game....not that I wish injury on players...but in this case I honestly cant help it. He has always been an extremely concieted smug ****head. He has enjoyed an incredible amount of favoritism and just abuses it.
The Dolphins should just buy a Patriots cheerleader skirt, and throw it onto the field everytime the refs throw an "I Heart Brady Flag".
Yes, but to be fair, Joey does back it up a lot. Especially last year, same team, same place. Crowder for sure.
tom brady definitely gets special treatment. i remember seeing a replay where a ref threw a flag simply because brady cried for one. thats crap. they both should have been fined/suspended for that.
Man, I wish those refs were our crew next week. Its a shame, up in New England, they're probably going to take the physicality out of the game. just like the way they butchered the Ravens.
You guys are the most fickle bunch ever. "Joey's done. we wasted our money, should have signed Pace." "Lulz at Pace, look at Joey 17.5 sacks wohoo he ain't done." "Oh Joey STHU, do it on the field, you talk too much." I know as fans you have the right to be knee-jerk but a guy who's been hobbled a bit, who's been asked to drop more into coverage this year, who, by the Coach's own mouth isn't being asked to rush the passer primarily as he was last year, should have a chance to play out the season before proclamations he's done for. Why is it when a player who is not popular isn't being played, it's "oh coaches know best he can't even crack the starting line up" vs. a popular player "oh what the hell are the coach's thinking". Lets let the year play out a bit before we start calling for players heads.
By him saying that, is it gonna fix anything or just cause a stir? There's no reason for him to say that. Take Jason Taylor for example, I'm sure JT feels the same way about Jets, Saints, and now the Pats. But he isn't going in front of the camera to express his emotions like it's a shrink, he'll talk on Sunday.