Joey says he's not upset about the situation. And he wouldn't have a problem if there was a changing of the guard taking place, a la James Harrison. But he's adamant that there's a huge dropoff after him at the position. That it isn't even close. That's pretty much the crux of why he's leaving. Nothing earth shattering, but I'm on my phone. Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
Porter is past his prime,period. He may have an occassional decent game but his better days are behind him. I say get rid of him as soon as possible and move on, I`m sick of hearing his mouth already.
so joey threw a big fit all during SB week went on crowders radio show and bashed the dolphins for 15 minutes straight and now he is not upset about the situation not only is joey a washed up has been with a big mouth but it also sounds like he is bi-polar what a douchebag
Reggie Torbor has one as well. As for the intransigent Joey P, who is playing all nicee nicee, anyone care to wager the Tuna maybe had a talk with his agent?
never been a fan of Joey's act. The fact that he is so willing to throw his teammates under the bus is just unheard of at that leave.
I think Joey Porter has not surpassed Shaquille ONeal as the most classless act of getting out of Florida. I say trade is butt to Detroit. If he wants to whine and cry, give him a good reason to.
And Shaq is at least a Hall of Famer in his respective sport; Peezy will never have that distinction, unless the Senior Committee has a senior moment.
MORE LIKE A person with narcissistic personality disorder: * Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation * Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals * Has feelings of self-importance * Exaggerates achievements and talents * Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love * Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment * Requires constant attention and admiration * Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy * Has obsessive self-interest * Pursues mainly selfish goals PORTER PASSES WITH FLYING COLORS CERTIFIABLE INSANE
Porter is right. There is not one linebacker on this team that is better then he is. Period He deserves to play..........and get paid
he needs to move on & make room for the next generation to play the game over the hill & still running his big mouth bye, bye Joey
time to replace JT and JP they are both over the hill quite frankly a waste of time now we need youth and speed at those positions
I don't see why you want to let go of JT in favor of someone young just because he is up there in age.
JP was hurt for a good portion of the year and still held his ground. Don't get me wrong I love JT but JT can not play OLB like Porter when Porter is healthy. JP needs to shut his mouth because it gets old. Although I don't believe he's said anything inaccurate. He is the best linebacker on our team. Time for him to move on I guess and us to acquire someone else. Just our luck though he will be named to the pro bowl next year and the next 4 after that
jt is an after thought now makes no sense in the long run everyone mad as hell i know gotta upgrade that position
What makes you think we can upgrade the position, though? Age doesn't mean anything. Just because someone is younger, doesn't mean he's better. We can afford to keep JT around one more year.
But ILB is a bigger priority, so why not keep him another year? Not every single move has to be a long term move.
it is about the future my friend the longer you keep aging starters the further you set yourself back at this point in his career jt isnt going to take us where we want to go he only stunts your growth beside we did just fine without him in 2008 when we had a young player in there who was new to the position the defense wont improve with jt here just running through the same motions
now the wake thing i agree with because he still has possibilites for development as i have stated before the rest of the linebackers are a waste of time jason taylor is not the future and wont make a difference too slow and too old he is pretty much done moses and anderson... you are kidding right? these guys are backups who provide decent depth but really add nothing to the core of the defense you had porter on this list recently but now you changed your tune LOL we definitely need inside help desperately at the lb spot but dont think for a moment that we dont need an olb who gets after it the 3-4 is built for fast olbs who get after the qb and disrupt timing consistently there is not a guy in the current group who can do that with constant pressure they are too spotty look for that to change
I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree. Under this logic, the Saints would have never signed Darren Sharper because he was 34, and they probably would have never made it to the superbowl. JT can still contribute to this team. The only issue is money, but he played for the minimum last year and I'm sure he'd play for something similar this year.
Sharper was that missing piece to the puzzle down in nawlins he was the perfect veteran to fill the perfect role down there jt doesnt do that for us here the longer you keep him around the bigger the chance you wake up one day and realize you never addressed the position it happens btw comparing one veterans situation to another makes for a bad debate its apples and oranges
JT can absolutely be the perfect veteran to serve the perfect role with us (platooning the WOLB position with Cam Wake imo), and will do so for cheap. I would love to have 4 first round draft picks to completely turnover our LB core at once but it's not possible, at most I can see us replacing porter and ayodele in one offseason without seeing significant dropoff at those and other positions. There's no need to sacrifice being a competitive football team for the sake of starting exclusively young players at every position.
Honestly, I think more than anything we need a real SOLB. Our D's biggest problem was that when pressure came at all, it was from the weak side. That's why I'm a big fan of taking Brandon Graham in the first. Also, we need a playmaker, which is why I want Demaryius Thomas in the second. In the third, land Cam Thomas as an NT. If he's available in the fourth, draft Koa Misi as a backup/potential starter for all four LB positions. After that, there are options. But those four I think would solve a lot of problems.
you take brandon graham at #12, and your good for the next 10 years...This cat can line up at 4 or 5, explosive player, would be verry happy with him at #12.
first of all we were quite competitive in '08 without taylor on this football team so that argument has no legs at all i understand all the jt is cheap and so on or he is serviceable for now look there is an old saying that you can never discover new oceans if you dont lose sight of the shore and that very much applies here as long as you keep taylor around you are missing out on the chance to develop a young player on the football team it is a fact it is why teams wake up one day and find themselves old ask Belichick about his defense listen i want a relentless defense that gets after it constantly and i do understand you cant fix all the problems at once but you have to start addressing them sooner or later procrastination is an evil word
brandon graham is the perfect pick for us if mcclain is gone if not oh boy do we have a tough decision to make
But having JT buys you time while you address, in my opinion, a more pressing need in ILB. And having JT is not a bad solution. If the front office believes that they can address OLB as well as the other needs, then fine. I just have a hard time believing that they'll be able to do that this offseason while also getting/upgrading NT, ILB, S, WR, TE to name a few.
The best teams actually find the right mix of youth and veteran experience. Look at the Saints, they have plenty of veterans on their team. How many years has Vilma been in the league now?