,0,843112.mp3file LOL!!! During Ricky Williams interview where he cut off the media....Joey Porter is heard (this tape is edited) repeatedley screaming "ABU!!!!!"..."ABI!!" WTF is this about? It is funny though. BTW...word around the campfire is that the media THREATENED to go to the players association to push for a fine for Ricky Williams for not talking to the media. (he had not spoken for two weeks). The Dolphins then asked Ricky to speak or he would face a fine from the NFL. But again...I would just like to say...... ABU!!......ABI!!!!
Haha that was hilarious to hear. In regards to Ricky,if the man has nothing to say then seriously just leave him alone. I never got that rule that every player must speak to the media a lot. There are some people who are just not comfortable speakers,so let those who love to speak take care of it,every team has someone willing to talk so leave the one's who aren't alone. Besides I read that article where they were asking him how it was to be a full time starter again this week and he answered the questions even though they were short responses,it was not like he ignored them or something.
I feel its a ton of BS that they would have attempted to fine him for not talking to the media. Maybe that's one of the reasons he was as short as he was. I would not say anything other than yes or no if the reason I was speaking was to prevent a fine. The need to let the man get in his zone and relax for whats ahead. RUN...RICKY...RUN...
Those high school journalism majors simply do not know how to approach Ricky W imho. He does not want to talk about himself, they should have given him a chance to praise the job Ronnie Brown had been doing and RW would have offered up how he was going to try and fillin for RB. That or Ricky has went to the Parcell's school of media relations..
We have the freedom of speech....we also have the right to remain silent if we so choose. RW has never been a big fan of talking to the media. Especially the same media that drug his name through the mud and called him everything but human. I wouldn't talk to them either. Also he shouldn't be forced to talk, Sporano should be able to answer on his behalf. If it were me and I was in RW shoes, I'd sick JT on them. JT would politely tell them to STFU and leave him alone.
Supposedly Ricky is being a dick to the media on purpose. He wants to keep his name out of the press, hence the generic one-line responses.
1) analysis of Ricky & general conversion: true 2) influence of Bill Parcells on Ricky Williams: absolute 3) tremendous opportunity arising from the Ronnie Brown injury for Ricky: yes
LOL... Abu... Abi... maybe that's the name of the locker room guy who collects dirty towels and hands out clean ones... who was the guy whistling?
Actually, that concerns me. Ricky has had anxiety problems in the past and I hope the pressure doesn;t send him into meltdown if things get more intense. This is a good example of the NFL not really considering the player's best interests as a human being, actually, forcing a guy with social anxiety disorder and a history of self-destructive behaviour to be in the media spotlight. But, the NFL is a business and it cares about promotion, publicity and cash.
Ricky was Whistling, he was the only one close enough tot the recorder to pick it up that clear, lol.
I've always thought it was stupid when the losers of a game have to give an interview right after. What can they possibly want to say? I don't blame Ricky one bit. His job is playing football, if he doesn't want to talk he shouldn't have to. Let the guys that are comfortable do the interviews.
In a nut shell! Now that you said it its just like Parcells. Leave the man alone he is a player.He will show us on the field.
That sounds like the guy Jerry Seinfeld inadvertently got deported to Pakistan because he didn't give him all his mail in time when Jerry was collecting it for him. One item was a letter from the INS. He later said about Jerry: "Jerry very bad man."
This situation with Ricky and the media kind of reminded me of when Rasheed Wallace played for the Portland Trail Blazers. He wouldn't talk to the media either. Then the team or the league mandated it was a requirement. So when Wallace would go out in front of the media after games, he would answer every question the same way. No matter what Wallace was asked he'd say: "Both teams played hard." I don't recall how long he kept this up, one season, the rest of his tenure in the Rose City, or up until now. But at the time, my friends and I thought it was pretty funny. Every question, Wallace would give the same stock deadpan response.
According to Lebatard, it was Akin Ayodele yelling "Apu" in the background. A reference to Simpson's character 'Apu'. Supposedly he was saying this to Channing Crowder, who always wears a towel on his head after exiting the showers.