Absolutely ridiculous stuff from the NFL. Just picking and choosing. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/breaking-news/story/791439.html Smiley also got $5K for the chop block. Ricky wasn't fined for the play despite also being flagged.
Tuna needs to come out and say something, fines be damned, I mean if this has been such a hot issue with the NFL how come they never came out and said we won't tolerate this or even this is something that needs to stop? And Monday, I will call the NFL offices and inquiry how much longer will Goodell's head will be up Kraft's butt - I'm not kidding.
And think about this: Pulling ones hair and punches in the back of the head = $15,000 Name calling = $22,500 I mean com'on on....
Explain to me why Crowder was fined 15,000 for trash talk and Porter was fined 7,500. If they commited the same offense why arent the fines equal. The NFL is out of control. I think I may not be watching football or ESPN for a long time. They are not getting my rateings. Let them try to find sponors when nobody is watching their games.
Huge Joke.....the league's Patriot biast has gone from making me shake my head and laugh to actually being pretty p-ssed off, it's a friggin joke! When will someone look Goodell in the eye and ask him to explain himself? The Crowder/Light fines are a joke and then to nit pick our other players is BS. Who's gonna find out the Email address of the league so we can tell them how we feel?
It's hard enough to win a game in the NFL, now we have to beat the refs to. I hope the NFL uses this money to hire new refs to replace the one's that are making all the ****ed up calls and costing teams games week after week. When an official ****s up a call, does it cost them 10 grand and a suspension? No. We get an apology if we're lucky. I am real close to shutting the door on the NFL. It's getting out of hand. It's getting like NASCAR, they make up the rules as they go. I'll find something more constructive to do with my Sundays. Like watching shuffle board.
Roger Goodhell needs to go, it is blatantly obvious he has his head up the rear end of Kraft and Jerry Jones, and he's shown he has no grasp on what the fans want. Somebody with the necessary skills needs to set up a website dedicated to convincing the NFL owners to get rid of this idiot. Start a grassroots campaign to let the owners know Goodheel is costing them revenue and needs to go.
Well that's an easy question to answer. Porter and Crowder talked trash during the Patriots game and they needed a heafty fine. I'm positive that they were the only players to do so on Sunday. Nobody else would ever dare to talk trash or "verbally abuse" someone in a football game. Crowder got the extra $7,500 fine because...Duh, he could have injured Matt Light's hand when he was getting hit with all those punches. We can't have an injured Patriot this close to the playoffs, so that extra fine was obviously justified. F Goodell.
Unfortunately, the league wants to see Jets vs Patriots in the playoffs--the equal fines on Light/Crowder speaks volumes when they have a dogfight with Pittsburgh. Imagine if the sides were reversed? Lol. And while I hate to admit, the Jets deserve to be there. The Patriots do not. I always hated the WWF comparisons, but they ring true this year. Unfortunately we won't be able to do anything unless we're willing to part with following the Dolphins, which me personally I'm never ever going to do. Patriots-Jets are a lock to play in the playoffs at this point, count on it.
This does appear to mark a distinct departure from the Tagliabue blueprint, if nothing more than reveal a lack of vision for bigger and better things for the league. By lowering himself to take an official stance, over possibly one of the most inconsequential aspects of the sport, Goodell places himself at odds with the interests of a broad swath of the consumer fanbase, and may soon face a wrath of animosity, for infringing upon what many believe to be inherent to the spirit of emotional gameplay. The dialog of gamesmanship between players on the field of play, has always been the dominion of the officiating crew, and arguably a tradition of the game since its inception.
its true. how many shots is pacman gonna get? can you imagine if a team like the bengals tried to trade for pacman and get him reinstated? no way would goodell have gone for that! this gets more and more ridiculous every week. i only hope that since we've gotten our share of BS fines this week that maybe goodell will move on to his next most hated team or something for the next round of nonsense fines. does anyone in this league actually still support goodell besides Kraft, Jones and their franchises? obviously Moss likes him, he got his fine waived. obviously vince wilfork likes him, he got his fine waived. pacman, even though on his 'last chance' got reinstated yet again to play with the boys. light gets off easy for throwing punches on the field (no worse than the haynesworth stomping if you ask me).. the more i look back at it i don't know how the chiefs guy that broke brady's knee wasn't banned from the NFL. he'll probably get a retroactive fine one of these weeks..
Remember, what goes up, must come down. The NFL thinks they're invincible, they are wrong. Remember the 80's when they had a horrible image problem. They keep this up, things will snowball. They've been able to avoid all the thug drama, the steroids drama, etc., but this is taking it too far. It will catch up with them. This is just ridiculous, but who better than Joey Porter to give a fine. I'm assuming he may say something about it. Does anyone think this is payback for his Matt Jones comment? I do.
that's why I find myself watching more college football. It's more innovative, the plays are more dramatic, the passions of the team and fans are deeper, it's an all-around better product. I don't even care anymore about Monday or Sunday night football. I watch the Dolphins and the NBC Football Night in America Summary of the day's action. Last year I tried to watch every game I could. Roger Goodell = Worst NFL Commish Ever
What gets me is people can cut down a president (non threats) and not get in trouble. BUT a player cannot have an opinion about the league, refs or cheaters. I'd like to see all the players take a stand against all this junk. No strikes or anything, but all show up at goodalls office, or what ever, and let him know what's what. Their not even allowed to play "real" football anymore. No hard hits, babying the Qb's too much, no trash talk. All the fun is being taken away from the game. All the stuff that made it football. These are grown men, not a bunch of school kids. They know it's supposed to be rough and if they can't take it, maybe some of them need to go along with the commish. Back when we were allowed to play, Zonk & co. really played and didn't have to be afraid of every move they made. I'm not saying they should be allowed to intentionally try to injure a player, just be allowed to play football, the way it's meant to be played. The NFL should be rich with all the stinkin' fines they hand out. I think the coaches should take care of a lot of the stuff in house, this micro managing by the league is just wrong IMO.
Personally, I would like to see the fans rally and flood the NFL with emails everytime someone mouths off or gives an extra shove after a play, etc...... Lets see how long these ridiclously bias standards are upheld when they are being called out to enforce them every game, every week. Let Rodger stand up publically and be accountable for these decisions of his. Since the nflpa dosn't seem to want to stand up to Godell, I guess its time for the fans to either do it or stop watching games. I would say to put together a mass email list and send the email not only to the nfl but to all their significant media sources as well. It will only take one media outlet to pick up the story of how fans are feeling disenfranchised by the nfl to have an impact. Let the owners start to sweat losing the enormous fan base they have been enjoying. Between a declining economy and an ailiated fan base, I dont think Mr Godell's job will be secure very long. I hear people say this is a "win now" leauge. That idealogy is what makes fans happy and spending money. In reality this is a get as much money out of the fans as fast as possible leauge. If enough fans grumble loudly enough and spending slows the leauge will react to fix the problem. The NFL will not allow Godell or anyone else to sabotage their enterprise.