I've already stated it here and on the Club Level, I think the Jets made a fantastic decision in this case. His time here should've ended after the 2007 season.
I can't wait for Pennington to show you his downside... (Like how he performs in the PO's, oh wait...) It will be especially wonderful to watch him do it with Coles. That way, you'll realize you're just doing what we already did at the start of this decade. Good luck!
but that just isn't scary, at worst it will happen one more time.. we have someone in the wings. Chad has never played two seasons back to back without missing games so we will likely see ChadII sooner than later anyway. And welcome bro, glad you joined us.
Yep, I gotta agree with you. I for one don't think he is gonna make it to Miami but I do trust the guys making the decisions. Oh and as CNC stated, welcome aboard AGAW. I suggest you go to the introduction area and start a thread. We welcome ALL members regardless of their "Questionable" choice of teams. 124 has become a very valued member in here. We rib him once in awhile, but always in fun, and he takes it right in style.