Nope...... probably not..... unless they're surgically added or removed, we all have 2. (although I'm not sure if they've dropped yet for some of you Jets fans.... call it evolution regression if you will. )
I'll be there. Hopefully this year the drunk asshat fans will have better aim. Last time they missed me and hit my buddy (who is a jest fan) with a water bottle. I laughed pretty hard. Maybe this year I can get pissed on
Considering I have a life to lead where I currently live I'll leave your baseless threats to the next guy.
I wear one all through the season. None of you have done ****. Wussies. And who are you kidding? Until last year, you didn't even see many JET jerseys in NY. Now all of a sudden that they have some success, out of the woodwork come the jerseys. And don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Seen it with my own eyes. Fairweather MFs.
I love how tough Dimwit Darrelle is over the internetsz. What a putz. Very sorry for Bickity Bam that you share a common interest with this "guy"?
Been there, done that, with about 30 other Dolphins fans for last years game, nobody was messing with us.....NOBODY.....sheeeeeeeet we showed up in a rented RV, cooked, tailgated, and had Jet fans eating with us... With a Dolphin Jersey and Yankees hats on to boot.......I think people thought I was nuts.... thing is with Jets fans, if you just ignore their feeble attempt to be relevent and brazen, they quit the act, and become who they really are, and sometimes are basically they are fake ***......they try to take on their HC's persona....
I live here! There's two big Dolphin bars too, Miami Mike's in NJ and DolfansNYC @ third and long in Manhattan. I even wore it around during 1 win 2007...but both teams sucked. Funny video, some of it is staged since the same two guys do it in different locations as the rival team. There's other videos if you click below it.
I might be the only way to say this but those two girls were garbage. You couldn't have come up with better? I mean seriously ya the running man Jet guys should GTFO but the two girls were just... Not even strip club quality.
Yup. Lived and worked in NYC for years and wore my Dolphins gear all the time, but never even had one confrontation. And to top it all off, it was that Zubaz ****, so somebody should have kicked my *** just for that reason alone.
I guess you don't go to the Fins at Jets game, because 20% of the crowd is wearing Fins clothes. You should try going sometimes.
Been there and done it junior. Back in the early 90's when the rivalry was more intense (although the last 2 years Rexy has done a good job of stoking the fire). I've also survived Eagles fans in that same time period. Really it proved nothing other than fans scream obscenities at opposing fans. Big ****ing deal that really takes big balls. It reminds me of the douchers in a bar screaming yeah bring it at each other. I listen, I laugh and could give a **** less what opposing fans say.
Do us a favor. Go to your Home game versus the Fins this year and tell us if we have 20,000 or just the usual 15,000 Dolphin fans in your stadium. The best kept secret ever is that Dolphin fans FILLED GIANTS stadium every year and yet they get credit for their obnoxious 5,000 that show up here every year.
I've walked around Times Square with a Dolphins Sweater on. Hell I left my coat open just to show off the Fins Logo on the front of it.
And as I am sure you already know, no one gave a sh!t. I don't know why Darelle thinks that anyone would. There are more Giants fan in this area anyway.