he is a free agent with not a lot to offer us now i saw life without JT once more than happy to see it again
Why would he want to go to the Jets if he wants to win a superbowl? The Dolphins signed the second best ILB and the best WR in the NFL. Jt...don't make the same mistake Zach Thomas did.
what was Zach Thomas' mistake? Parcells let him know early on he wasn't in the plans. Zach didn't leave because he wanted to. I suppose if you want to say "don't make the same mistake (insert name here) made" you should put Welker's name in there. He as much as said he was happy to be in NE where he had a chance to win a Super Bowl......even though NE hasn't won a SB since he's been there.
Why does it seem like there's only two teams, (us and the Jets) with staffs that have actually been showing up to work this offseason? Perhaps a memo, citing budget constraints, went out to every other front office, and the rest of the league closed up shop to work from home, and host bi-monthly potluck barbeques to share ideas , and watch ESPN's exclusive coverage of the NY/Miami shootout in Free Agency.
Within the next week huh....hmmm.....there was something happening next week....let's see...what was it now? oh yea! the draft.
I still think we need to sign JT. I don't see why we cant get him back out there as a pass rush specialist only the same way the Jets are planning to. However,I see JT ending up with the Jets now though. The Jets want an answer before the draft I believe, and the Phins seem to be wanting to wait until after the draft, I can see JT and his agent not wanting to wait until then.
Wow, they are really on their knees for JT over there. How does he not sign with them? Jets or not, Superbowl (bwahaha) or not, how do you turn down that kind of stroking?
Actually, it's easy. What is required is something called character - not being one, but having some!
And more Benjamin's then what they can offer. I mean for the guy to go to a team that he hates, with fans that he hates. They will need to be able to pony up way more cash then that. He won't give them the hometown discount with how he feels about that team and it's fans. He wants back in Miami, and it looks like he is willing to wait and see.
agreed. this is really all about money and the jets are very constricted in that area right now. Taylor wants more from us, and we're not willing to even match the jets offer, so he's stuck.
Enough with the drama mama! Go, Stay, or Limbo - whatever. Just get it resolved before Drama Queen Bretta's "It's all about ME" annual courtship ritual commences.
If JT hadn't been a Dolphin all of these years I doubt the Jets would be on his nuts like they are. They probably think they're sending a big F You message to the Dolphins and their fans by signing him away.
oh, dude, totally. There's no other reason. they 'say' they want a 10 sack guy but come on, he ain't got that anymore.
Anyone else get the feeling Rex Ryan wants JT not because he thinks he can help them but because he wants to stick it to us more?
Ever think Rex might know if he buys JT cheap thats probable he won't have to see a dirty Sanchez in two more games a year.
Apparently JT is going out of the country on vacation, so he will not be making a decision today like some reports have said. Maybe he's trying to hold off as long as possible, since the Dolphins want to wait until after the draft.