I actually like it, has a nice ring to it. Fits very well with Miami.
Yeh... I also very much like it. Sun Life definatley fits with the Dolphins and Miami. I also like what I have read about the company...which is located in Toronto. They were named one of the 50 Best Coporate Citizens of Canada in 2008. They also didnt take part in the Wall Street mess..(or so it has been told...I guess you never really know)
HMMMM , "SUN LIFE" Not bad. But,If it was the "SUN LIFER" we could jumble those letters around to spell "FINS RULE"....I know,I know, I got too much time on my hands today.
Of all the names it could have been, this was definitely a decent pick. Now lets hit our new corporate sponsors up for those much needed renovations
I beg to disagree, but it is and always will be "Joe Robbie Stadium"... Or as Fat Hank calls it...the Stadium formerly known as Joe Robbie...
Oh well. Just so they our Miami Dolphins and their logo alone, I'll live with it. OT- One of the convenient stores in LaGrange, GA sells Landshark beer. I had never seen it sold here. Six bucks and something a 6 pack. glad I quit drinking years ago.
They are going to pay $ 7.5 million a year, so we can't expect more. They don't own the stadium, just renting its name.