can someone do me a favor and go to and tell me if they see the google symbol on top? i'm just wondering if there's something wrong with my pc or if there's something going on with google. thanks.
They used to have a brail option at drive up ATMs. I always found that to be hilarious and downright scary. I welcome blind googling.
seriously though, did someone hack into google and play a joke? maybe there's a virus on there. in that case, sorry for the link. LOL p.s. i only put the link there b/c some of you are anal about links and would think i was making it up if i didn't put a link. LOL ..'.." .;. .:. :....; . . . translation: RickyNeverInhaled is the greatest poster ever!
Click on the morse image and you will see why the image is there. April 27th is when Samuel Morse was born.