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Is adding Gaffney enough?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by padre31, Oct 2, 2012.

Does Gaffney round out the Wr corps?

  1. Yes, adding him is enough

    13 vote(s)
  2. No, keep churning the roster

    14 vote(s)
  3. Wait and see

    21 vote(s)
  1. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    We've added Armstrong and Gaffney since the season began, is that enough to move the Wr corps from dreadful to passable?

    I tend to think it does, especially with a view that if Armstrong does not step up, we have Rishard Matthews behind him to push him, along with Marlon Moore.
  2. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I agree Pod, and I wouldn't say that unless I felt good about Gafney, he's a good football player.

    Unless you wanna double down and sign Plax...
  3. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    I think he is enough for this season.
  4. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I thought about that but the Jest lost Holmes and are staying away from Burress for a reason Deej.

    I think the #4 Wr role is wide open, but for now Gaffney should be ready by the time we play Stl.
  5. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    NJFINSFAN1 likes this.
  6. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    you stole the words off my finger tips. lol. that's what I thought when I voted.
    I am very happy about the Gaffney signing, even more happy that Naanee is gone. But I still wanna draft a WR. Gaffney has played in the NFL for 10 years. But he is aging like a fine wine since his best year was last year!
    HULKFish and the 23rd like this.
  7. xphinfanx

    xphinfanx Stay strong my friends.

    Nov 1, 2009
    I chose wait and see because of health if he is healthy we should be fine.

    Save those draft picks and atleast one on a fresh WR.
    I'd take one early and a mid round one double up in draft.
  8. CrunchTime

    CrunchTime Administrator Retired Administrator

    Nov 23, 2007
    I think we have shot our wad this year.One bad contract is enough .We did sign Armstrong and we will have to wait until he produces.If you cut him you will have another bad contract with dead cap money involved.

    Anyway there is no one else available at WR worth taking a chance on IMO.We should wait for next years draft to improve.
  9. emocomputerjock

    emocomputerjock Senior Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    He's ok for now. We still need to address the problem in the off season
  10. PhinsPhan11

    PhinsPhan11 Phins & Philly Sports

    Oct 2, 2012
    Philadelphia, PA
    For now it is, but a lot still needs to be done in the offseason.
  11. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    what did u have in mind when making this poll? enough for this season or enough to not use a low round draft pick next year on WR?
  12. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Time to get our rookie Matthews involved, he's surrounded by good young vets now
    the 23rd, Zanno and Ohio Fanatic like this.
  13. dolfan32323

    dolfan32323 ty xphinfanx

    Nov 27, 2007
    Washington DC
    The WR corps still need work. However, Gaffney was the best move available to us at the time. I don't think the WRs are going to get better and should be addressed next offseason accordingly.
  14. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Armstrong could be next to get his walking papers.
  15. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    We'll see, I would think AA will have some plays coming his way this week, he either performs or FFiC could be correct.

    Though a part of me does not see us going with Bline, Black Ninja and Gaffney with Matthews and Moore all we have behind them.

    Bline has problems staying healthy, if he goes down our Wr corps is back to being paper thin.
  16. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Hiruma78 likes this.
  17. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Which is why I suspect Armstrong stays on the roster, you need speed on the field if at all possible or you have the Pats from last yr.
  18. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    4.56 speed. So, we still need that guy who can back off the safeties.
  19. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Armstrong seems to be dinged up a lot. In addition to the latest problem, he battled a shoulder injury all preseason.
  20. VanDolPhan

    VanDolPhan Club member Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Hamilton, Ontario Canada
    It really depends on whether Armstrong steps up and is that deep guy they can rely on to catch 2 or 3 balls a game.
  21. Lee2000

    Lee2000 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    Pearl, Mississippi
    Well actually there are still two open roster spots. Makes you think someone is promoted from the practice squad.
    Bpk likes this.
  22. PhinsRDbest

    PhinsRDbest Transform and Transcend

    Jan 5, 2010
    the next dimension
    I say try to trade for Mike Wallace, especially if you can get him for just a 2nd.
  23. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Honestly I'm on the D. Bowe bandwagon. He can do EVERYTHING you want a WR to do. He's a FA at the end of the year and has previously spoken about playing here. I'd even cough up a 2nd or 3rd now, which KC might take seeing as he probably won't re-sign and their playoff hopes are very very bleak.
  24. jsizzle

    jsizzle Banned

    Jan 3, 2012

    I don't think Brandon Marshall is any faster than that.
    djphinfan likes this.
  25. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    In reality speed isn't what scares a safety unless you're talking about a guy like Randy Moss or a true "burner". The ability to run a solid post route will back up a safety just as much as a deep threat. Any WR who can consistently beat a corner using any part of his game will back the safety up and force them to play the pass. I guess what I should say is speed isnt the ONLY thing that can push back safeties.

    Hell a good QB will back safeties up. Does anyone think teams play the pass against NE because of their spectacular receivers?

    Thats just my two cents though some will disagree.
  26. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    Which could have also been said in the past two offseasons. 2009 was his best season til 2010, which was his best season til 2011.
  27. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    The NFL truly is a game of inches. Think about it.

    Naanee makes the catch and holds on. He gains some confidence, makes a big play for the team, perhaps inspires a little confidence from the coaches and has something to build on.

    Instead he fumbles and is cut.
  28. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Agreed with Alex. He's enough for this season.

    I don't think he's better than Hartline or Bess, but he's MUCH better than the other receivers we've had here after those two.
  29. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    The real problem on this team is the secondary. Until they fix that unit, the Dolphins will continue to have trouble closing out games. As far as the WR position is concerned, if he is healthy, Gaffney should be a major upgrade over Naanee on the roster. He is a quick fix for this season, but the Dolphins still need to find a stud receiver in the 2013 draft, as far as I am concerned.
  30. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    Burress would ultimately be the final piece for this season IMO. I doubt we could afford him. Gaffney had 5TD's last season. At that rate he'd have only added 1 extra TD so far. Depending on which game, it could have meant absolutely nothing in 2/4 games (Texans, Raiders), or added one win (Cardinals, Jets). Now with Burress's 8, that'd be two more TD's and our season would have a whole new complexion.
  31. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    IMO, that's looking at it from a fantasy football viewpoint. Gaffney could also help you sustain drives with some tough 3rd down catches, and then someone else end up getting a TD that they would not have otherwise had a chance to score had Gaffney not moved the chains a time or two on the drive.
  32. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    Considering that thought, this was an interesting tweet today.
  33. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Without swinging a deal for Wallace or Bowe? I guess we are in a "wait and see" with Gaffney. If he can at least be a solid #2 type WR we can have some decent options on the field with Gaffney, Hartline, and Bess in the slot.
  34. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I just don't think you move either Bess or Hart..Bess is ballin right now,
    Zanno likes this.
  35. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I think Bess is at his best in the slot, and forcing teams into a Nickel package and running Bush at them from a 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 HB formation should be productive. In any event, watching Tannehill play and learn is saving me from the despair I would usually be feeling from a 1-3 record.
    HULKFish likes this.
  36. RickyWilliams34

    RickyWilliams34 New Member

    Mar 15, 2012
    Miami, FL
    Yes, for this season.
  37. HULKFish

    HULKFish Artist and Scribe

    Apr 30, 2008
    Central FL
    That is true... just ask Brian Hartline! I said Wait and See, but he already offers more than that Naanee piece of work. I was even behind signing him, as I had him on my fantasy team a couple years ago, and thought he was going to develop.
  38. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    Well, AA has been here for 4 weeks and nothing yet. We know that Gaffney is just now possibly back to healthy status. I think they are simply looking for someone to step up. Unfortunately, the guys they have/have had have not as of yet...I hope against all hope that they decided to jump on Gaffney more so because he was finally healthy enough to sign than to keep him from the jests (much as that is ok with me too) but it would speak badly of this group if that were the ONLY reason they signed Gaffney (to keep him away from the jests)...

    More simply put, I hope they signed Legs Nanee because Gaffney wasn't healthy moreso than they cut Legs because they wanted to keep someone away from the jests....
  39. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    We ain't getting a game breaker this season though, so he will have to be enough.

    No point going paying over the odds for someone now, keep those coupla picks for the draft and go nuts on CB, pass rusher and WR.
  40. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I think AA tweaked a hammy?

    As for Gaffney being merely reliable, for me I recall Greg Camarillo fondly enough to think reliability and solid hands makes a young Qb more confident even without the potential big plays.

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