O my gosh I feel awful. I am was barfing all night last night. It was no fun. I have to miss work to night amd I need money badly. Just send some good vibes my way please.
no....i am sick. but seriously. feel better bro.....need anything let me know my friend your a good guy steve
Hope you feel better bro. Just get on the 360 while ur sick. You and Fingirlie still seeing each other?
The soup Natzi. One of the best episodes of sesame street. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1KSaUEu_T4&feature=PlayList&p=4C26888570004E8E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=26"]YouTube - swedish chef turtle soup[/ame]
Hope you feel better BTW. Chicken soup and a half shot of scotch usually cures anything short of decapitation.
Yea. We are still seeing each other. She is obsessed with me. Is she obsessed with me Yes she is obsessed with me Yea is very obsessed with me
You should really start using it. I think sense it is our 1 year anniversary. The site should add spellcheck.
Mom lets you drink scotch. Opie at home talking to the dog [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpUQZWDsizk"]YouTube - Family Guy - Stewie Drunk (on apple juice)[/ame]
one leopard knows another by the color of their spots we HAVE spell check in the toolbar for the posting box
Honestly I still cant figure out if Dom was a joke or not. I mean how could you possibly screw up caps that bad?