how on earth can joey porter be fined $20,000 for making comments about the refs after the houston game and matt jones be still playing football after a "felony" cocaine conviction.
making a comment about the refs is affecting the NFL. his cocaine use affects him personally and maybe his teamates/team
it was a misprint in the paper it said convicted but i went to the online news and it said charged, but he was caught redhanded. as far as him or his teammates, it was a "felony".
I also had heard in the past that he was suspended 3 games by the NFL without pay, but is appealing this decision.
All I know is that the standards expected of NFL referee's seem to be very lax. THe quality of calls in just about any game has gotten embarrassing. I understand it's a fast game and they'll miss somethings but it's gotten to the point where with a lot of these calls that's just not a valid excuse for the sheer volume of mistakes. Maybe they should start fining the damn refs that make phantom calls or miss calls that upon review should have never been missed. The NFL needs to do something because it's a pathetic situation.
they should start fining the refs, then maybe the negative comments would stop, plus they might start calling the game correctly.
Jones' coke use definately affects the NFL. NFL players are looked up to as role models for young kids everywhere. With players out getting arrested left and right, and guys like Jones being busted with coke what kind of example does that set for young kids everywhere? It directly affects the NFL and its players' image. That being said, i agree with Porter 110%. I know Jones' suspension is being appealed... but i mean come on, lets speed up the process here.