i was just talking to kevin about your radio show and you sending those tapes out to help you get your own show. from listening in a few times i've got an idea. your show is sports talk.. well, really, right now it's about "anything" talk; but it's basically a sports show. so i had an idea. you've got a two hour show. there's 4 major sports. that's half an hour for every major sport. i know half an hour isn't all that long in terms of radio time (at least I don't think it is) but this way you could get all the sports in during that two hour time frame. or if there's a big thing going on in one of the sports (super bowl, world series, stanley cup, what the hell is the basketball thing called?, the draft, etc) you could dedicate the whole show to it. IMO that's all the show needs, is direction. plan ahead. then have your discussions and have people call in. This probably could have been better sent to your PM box but I think all of us here feel for your recent situation and even tho you do have a job and your wife has a job this really seems like something you want to do.. just trying to help
We want to help Chris, and just looking out for you. I think Steve has a great idea and one you should consider !
Sick is trying to do what gives him the most listners and that changes all the time. Now what would be interesting is for Chris to get some news stories (non sport but funny or weird). That would be interesting. Chris could also talk about top sports stories