Just for the fun of it, now that MiniCamp is over let's see who "you" think we should have taken instead of Pat White at #44 based on the 5 picks that followed P White: Clint Sintim Conner Barwin Michael Mitchell Darrel McBath Max Unger
I would have selected Sintim if it were me. I really liked him and think he could be a great LB in the 3-4... OLB or ILB.
I think my views on the Pat White pick and how much the Wildcat will really influence the NFL are pretty well known so no need to rehash. Having said that, I thought passing on Sintim was a big mistake considering how important LB's are in the 3-4D.
Understated as per usual CR. Well, here is the thing about the white/WC thing, "us" fans have burned soo many times with concept draft picks, Allen Wright, Evans, players who were taken simply because they had upside that the white pick is risky to say the least. Ah, but if it pans out, we will be way ahead of the curve and actually have some offensive firepower for a change, to me, White is worth the pick.
Co-Sign, though I did warm up to Pat White after a while, especially after hearing that he'll be used as a QB.
I guess I was one of the few who was thrilled we took Pat White with the pick. So I would draft Pat White instead of Pat White.
I like the White pick , I thought we took him to early and there is a ton of risk associated with the pick and at the time Sintim was just sitting there, DE/OLB/ILB and athletic... White scores or passes for 10 Td's or more this season and who could complain?
If White can make the WC muti-dimensional, then the pick is fine ... the FO went with Wake and followed it up with Taylor to fill the OLB requirement -- so they didn't ignore it. given our remaining ????, not sure there was anyone to fill those voids at that position. NT, G, ILB .... that we would have valued that high. I really liked Barwin though ... could you imagine Wake (should be perform) and Barwin as our OLBs for the next 5-7 years ...
I like the White pick. I don't think we are that thin at LB, and with the proliferation of the spread offense, the role of the LB is slightly diminished aside from pass rushing.
i wouldn't have minded grabbing unger here due to the need for a quality back up on the line being needed. we have aquestion marks on the o-line..can grove compete for a full yr? can smiley give us a full yr?can thomas give us more than one game? the lack of quality depth there showed greater last season than at lb and may still be the case this yr. unger has the ability to play gaurd or center well and even some tackle if needed. the reason we went to the wildcat was the lack of ability to run the ball. enough depth would make running the cat a non factor thus neggating the need to pick up white at that point in the draft.
Considering where we are with Thomas and the OL/Guard concerns, I had to vote Unger. But at the time I wanted Sintim due to my perception of our lack of talent @ ILB. However after all the discussion of where most of us feel Pat White will take the WC, I am pretty satisfied with White.
I'm not sure Max Unger was high on their board, especially since he may not be much different than Samson Satele. I'm not complaining about the White pick but I think something that may change the opinion of some is the addition of Cameron Wake. If he's not on the roster, would you still want Pat White or would you take Clint Sintim? I personally thought Sintim was the ideal strong side linebacker and I really thought he could shift down and provide a pass rush in a three point stance. However, if we have another linebacker on the roster then Pat White is fine.
Wake and JT was hanging out and he and Sparano were in contact, their OLB bets were hedged if they took P White. Funny thing is, aside from Sintim, the other players really aren't that tempting, Barwin is a "maybe", McBath, Unger, Mitchell were not really what we needed.
I picked Sintim. I would like to improve the inside linebacking corp. I think both Channing and Akin are ok. This would be an instance where Miami could of got one who is better than ok. I would consider Conner, however he seemed to be too much of an experiment. I would be upset with Mitchell, however watching his youtube clip where all he does is lay down the lumber, I would feel much better.
Personally, I always thought Sintim was overrated as a LB. I don't seem being able to drop into coverage well enough or be able to turn and run with a man.
Really? I thought his change of direction skills were better than given credit for. I didn't see him having any trouble when he was asked to cover slot receivers this past season. I also watched him cover tight ends without any issues.
Well, not only did we have Wake and JT as hedges, Sparano was gushing over Matt Roth at the OTA's, "if' they liked Roth that much there never was any real chance we were going to draft a Strong Side OLB in the first place. I'd guess that means Wake and JT are going to be role players this season as would any rookie OLB we may have drafted, that would mean White was a no brainer from their point of view, I'd bet they sort of looked at Sean Smith the same way, a concept player with a ton of upside who did not cost the farm and wasn't really a "need".
We had taken Vontae Davis at #25, Sean Smith was a luxury as the other thread attempts to show, we traded back with the Colts and got lucky the Panthers took Sherrod Martin.
i don't see them looking at smith as a luxury at that point. im sure the fo was well aware that we will probly be losing atleast 2 cornerbacks this coming yr to fa. 2 corners was definately a need. now both rookies will have a yr under their belt if asked to step into a starting role next yr rather than having 1 starter with only a yr experience trying to "mentor" a rookie next yr into the second starting position.
We still needed another cornerback. There was no way they were going to be comfortable going into the season with Joey Thomas as their third cornerback in my opinion. We needed a big cornerback and Sean Smith was what they wanted.
I thought he was a little tight in the hips. Plus I would have liked to see more reps in dropping back.
I agree that he was a little stiff but I thought he could do the job just fine. To each their own though.
I voted for Max Unger because of our lack of depth and because of his versatility. He could be our starter at the RG position, or be the first lineman to step in when one lineman goes down. Clint Sintim would have been my second choice.
Barwin, or trade down a few spots and take Paul Kruger. I think he'll have a very good career at an almost Pro-Bowl level.