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Happy Easter 2016

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Ohiophinphan, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Christ is Risen; He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

    I write this from my office at 0611 EDT awaiting the sunrise service folks. We will begin with the ancient greeting above. But first let me extend that greeting to all of you.

    I will be quoting Bp. Josephus Livenson Lauvanus, presiding Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Haiti who while leading a tour following the devastating earthquake of a few years ago said, "We will not be defined by rubble, but by restoration, for we are a people of the resurrection!"

    The women went to the tomb seeking death not life. We go through the cares of life, living in the devastation. As a Christian I suggest a different way; the way of resurrection, the way of life. May each of you and all of you find life and it abundantly.

    Christ is Risen; He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!
    The Rev likes this.
  2. The Rev

    The Rev Totus Tuus Staff Member Administrator Luxury Box Club Member

    Happy Easter, my old friend. Jesus Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed. Best part of the homily this morning was when the priest said. "we are all witnesses of the empty tomb, not by word of mouth, but by faith."
    Ohiophinphan likes this.
  3. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Missed this earlier on but happy Easter guys! He is risen indeed!

    Hope you had a great Holy Week.
    Ohiophinphan likes this.

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