I've been playing this a lot lately and it's pretty damn impressive. Rockstar did a great job shrinking down Liberty City and offering a full fledged GTA game for the DS. Even the touchscreen parts seem well implemented. The drug dealing mini game is awesome and I hope it's used in the next console GTA. I'm actually having more fun with this than I did with GTA IV. Anyone else playing?
wow. I just wrote about this in the NPD thread. that's eerie. The game is awesome, and i totally agree about the drug dealing part. For the first time since Vice City, the amount of money you have is actually important, and making money through dealing between the dealers is awesome. I haven't even bothered with the missions much since i learned you could trade like that. Also the minigames in general are actually fun. Disarming car alarms and bombs, making molotav cocktails, etc. It's all intergrated very well. Plus this is a NEW game in a NEW city, making the psp port games look like quick cash ins on Rockstars part. I'm thinking Rockstar is considering a GTA Wii game after this. The way they've utilized the DS hardware, I can imagine they'd like to do the same with the Wii controls.
I don't currently have a DS but I am really interested in this game. I'm definitely thinking about getting the DSi.
Yes, Rockstar Leeds did an amazing job with this game. The more I play it, the more impressed I am as to just how much attention to detail was given to this game. It's pretty amazing they crammed a console GTA experience into the DS. I like how when you get stars from your wanted level instead of trying to outrun the police, you can ram the police cars or make them crash into something and try to knock them out to lose your wanted level that way. Lots of fun. Also, I'm strangely addicted to scratching off the lottery tickets too. I do hope Rockstar allows this team to take a crack at a Wii version. The Godfather and Scarface proved Wii controls are more than suitable for a sandbox game.
About $40 shipped. Tada! Easy as getting Medieval954 up in arms about the Wii http://www.thedsdeals.com/N5_Revolution_for_DS_p/iai166.htm
I though Scareface was terrible but Godfather was the $hit. Second best best game on the Wii IMHO(behind twlight pricess of course)
Sorry to hijack this thread but do you guys think DS is better than a PSP? I have a hacked PSP but been thinking about a DS. Just havent been able to make up my mind yet.
I prefer my PSP to the DS. But thats just me. Unfortunately I messed mine up when I upgraded firmware with my hacked PSP. It won't play PSN Demos.
Depends on what you wanna do with it. For games, If you wanted a Psp, i can only recommend you 8 games at the most. For the Ds, i can recommend you about 20.
Im stickin with the normal ds lite. (most the piracy cards don't work on the dsi i believe ) but i am intrigued by what the DSi can do, so maybe some day.
this is my biggest issue with my PSP. there isn't enough games for it. Guess that settles it. DSi it is. Thanks again for everyone's help.
It appears a because of poor sales on the DS that Chinatown Wars is coming to the PSP, with some nice, even story expanding, updates. Link: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6212319.html?tag=latestheadlines;title;5
Well i hope it sells better on the psp. Rockstar made a good game, it deserves better sales. THat being said, i didn't buy it...
I don't think the poor sales are due to R4/R5 cards. I don't think the DS has enough mature games to attract the older gaming demographic. I find the DS library lacking in titles that I actually like. Don't get me wrong because there are a few decent titles but most is shovelware aimed at the younger, casual gamer. Hardly anything with substance on the DS.
Didn't the mature game Madworld on the Wii do poorly in sales as well. I agree totally that Nintendo doesn't really appeal/market to the mature gamers so mature games won't sell well. The gamestop article I linked says as much as well.