Just further evidence, that there is no evidence. Is awaiting for global warming advocating scientists to say, that their model (after tweaking) predicts exactly this. Oh, they don't even bother with the model parts now. Just outright dismissal. A funny one at that. Would there be any warming without the sun?
Our models are wrong, our assumptions behind the models are wrong, but we are 100% sure that we are right.
No evidence other than those pesky melting glaciers...
not to mention evidence of past warmings due to increases in gasses in the atmosphere................
I would put that under the likely a false assumption category. The glacial melt off can still be attributed to volcanic activity.
I don't understand what you're saying. It seems that you're saying that its evidence that global warming is man made. I don't agree. I see the evidence as saying (at best) that one of the potential causes has been eliminated.
I'm confused also. Unless he's joking? Anyhow, the entire man made Global Warming hoax has pretty much fizzled. I remember as a kid (not too long ago) the popular scare was actually man made global cooling. The talk was how certain chemicals being sent into the atmosphere was going to cause another ice age SOON! Well, scientists can't even tell me if it's going to rain tomorrow without being wrong half the time. How in the world are they going to predict man made global warming? The facts are, the Earth goes through NATURAL warming and cooling periods. These things have happened before humans and will happen after humans.
I assumed it was a joke I missed as well. As for the rest, I also remember when it was man made global cooling. And I agree that there are natural cycles. I don't believe we are anywhere near the point where we can say what causes or effects those cycles. And that includes man.