She started drinking alcohol at the age of 12. One year later, Natasha Farnham was drinking up to six bottles of wine a day. And even when she was diagnosed with liver failure at the age of 14, Farnham, of Twerton in Bath, Somerset, England, didn’t stop drinking. In fact, she was rushed to the hospital after drinking 16 bottles of wine, hard cider and other alcoholic beverages over the course of three days. Now, at the age of 18, Farnham has entered rehab and suffers from permanent memory loss, it is being reported by London’s Daily Mail.,2933,351230,00.html
The Brits always do things the hard way. There are tons of easier ways to kill youself. Seriously though, sad. Id never wanna become fried on something like whine, JD maybe. Thats Europe for ya folks.
I knew you'd say something. He didn't drink 16 bottles of wine a day, thats f'n insane. I started drinking at 14 but not like that lol. Parties only with only one bottle
both my brothers started drinking at 14... My youngest still sneaks it, and my 18 yr brother was made to quit by his gf. Me I didn't drink until I was 18 and only been drunk twice. Thats was night before graduation and my b-day. I dont really like alchohol.
Wow... thats insane... what a sad story. I like to have a few beers now and then, and a few glasses of wine... but 16 bottles? wow..
If alcoholism is hard-wired, and its degree of severity is also hard-wired to an extent, then this poor girl never had a chance. Not a hope in hell.
They should have listened to Ozzy. He tried to tell them that wine is fine but whiskey's quicker, they just dont listen!
thats why i dont drink much either. i dont like the feeling of being sick. thats why i stick to the sticky icky, no major side effects!
Yeah really. I just don't see the point in doing it. I mean I'll have a drink but by no means will it be to get drunk.