this article s ucks Miami Dolphins can have 50 million in free cap space Why will they waste it all on over prices Free agent beside most teams tag there best players
I think Armando is just listing all the possibilites that could happen, and if any of them happen, he called in December.
no offense to you In Cali it just Armando is listing guys I feel we have no shot at(A.yes he just trying to sell papers B. wasting space) We as fan know who the Top Free agent are next season why not list the guy that look to fixs well in Miami. Not the Guy that club well over pay to: more froward............. I hope the Fin Build this Team back to Championship Contender slowly and not try to find the Quick fixes i can see Lemon,Chapman,and Hadnot walking next season Randy Muller waiting on guys who are Cap causality sign a guard or 2 ,and a WR .