No i dunno where he is but i do sure miss em but I figured I would drop a little memorial vid of the best times catchin the game with Medi! [video=youtube;I5s1QNfXGn4][/video] Cheers! and long live the Dolphins! (even though we suck right now)
[video=youtube;FUylux2hD34][/video] Full-length cover version!
[video=youtube;d_Bg59OXgnA][/video] That cat has cajones, maybe he has done enough and is retired now.
I miss Medi too, though I haven't missed a game it was much cooler doing with Medi and other members from Hope all is well with you Medi. AKA-Pettycar
Yea I didnt catch on to him until mid/late last year but I do miss his channel. I am assuming he has an account on these forums and if I knew his name I'd fist pump the hell out of his posts.
He hated that d@mn commercial so much!!! LOL I kinda liked it myself. Anyway, yeah I miss the "Medi-Days"...And I also miss my 'Phins being relevant and winning
I REALLY MISS THE HALFTIME SHOWS: [video=youtube;5hR9cETo6Pk][/video]
Ahah this was always on. [video=youtube;ZBgqiCC2UMk][/video]