Which is what he's doing. Which is what many fundamentalist Christians do. http://www.aolnews.com/nation/artic...etermined-to-carry-out-quran-burning/19624912
Can't this guy just make a statement by jumping the widest part of the Grand Canyon (or a pool of sharks) on a dirt-bike strapped to a rocket?
He loves the publicity he is getting. A better view of people of faith generally (and Christians in particular) can be found in the universal disgust for the actions being contemplated by other Christians (including conservative Evangelicals) as well as people of other faiths.
I think he actually believes the bull**** he is spouting though Rev, its not just some publicity stunt.
I don't know. A good friend of mine at work is from Iraq and is Christian. He saw some crazy things before he eventually found his way to Canada, and actually was in Sedam's army as an RPG gunner. Anyways, he said there used to be 3 million Christians in Iraq, and that the current population is 250,000. Churches burned/bombed and acts of genocide against the Christians reduced them to the small number they are today. In lieu of all of that, who cares if ONE guy burns a Koran. It's not like he is off killing 2 and a quarter million Muslims, let alone even one of them.
I agree that he believes what he is saying. Just like the Witchita folks believe what they are saying. If no one listened to them however..... Islam, as practiced in the middle east, in the past 50-75 years has become the epitome of intolerance and bigotry. The numbers you quote in Iraq are widely quoted and likely correct. In addition, Baghdad and Tehran had huge Jewish communities until the 1940's and they were horribly persecuted, murdered, and expelled as well. The same is true of the Zorastrians and Bahai's. Should millions of people become enraged over the actions of one man or at best one small group? Of course not. Yet it is clear they will. The Dutch (or was it Danish?) cartoons of the prophet are examples of that. I treat other faiths with respect because I believe that is the best witness to mine own. I advocate for that toleration wherever possible. My comment earlier was that the best faith witness of Americans should be taken not by the one who is intentionally being provacative but instead by the millions preaching toleration and respect.
While I am a Christian, I never push my belief upon anybody, it doesnt make sense, nor do I want others pushed upon me. That being said this guy is a looney, yet another back alley minister from the South who is no better or worse than Jesse Jackson, I lump these guys all in the same wannabe pot... Most Muslims will use it to cast judgement upon America, while their own religion calls for perfectly acceptable measures such as stonings, cutting of limbs, and so many other primitive acts. Theirs is a relgion that calls for taking American prisoners and cutting off their heads on TV. They mock, threat, and hate us while some luntic idoit says he will burn a copy of a book, all the while these countries activity burn our flags, bibles, and efifigies of our countries leaders (BO, and Bush) every single day. Again take away the relgious aspect away from it my non-religious friends and they are burning eveything American, and Christian...two seperate things. Make no mistake a burning of a Koran, will not make them hate or attack us more, they already can't stand us, the radicial Muslims (jihadist) arent going to stop attacking and killing Americans with zeal because this clown doesnt burn the Koran......trust that... I'm sick of American guilt, American apoligies to the world, and the feeling we owe every damn nation, country, tribe, village, religion our *** kissing....Kiss my *** world, I just want to be left alone from these terrorist, but if we cant, hunt them and so be it if these guys happen to be amongst the crowd when we murder you off..... Lastly I am very tolerant of all people, and relgions, my interp over in Iraq lives in the States now, and might be the kindest, gentlest, and humble person I know. He hates the radicals, and uneducated Muslims that follow the "hate America" crowd, he understands the good intention we have as a country...and wants us to know how gravely misinterrupted his relgion has become by these murderous thugs...