They've had similar things at Baseball stadiums for several years now. Nice to see the NFL finally catching up.
That's all well and good. But perhaps they should focus on the innovation of producing a SB Champion? Just saying.. As for the sideline audio, you think a fan will be able to steal the opposing calls and then wirelessly transmit them to the QB's helmet or MLB, who ever is calling the defense on the field?
If it doesnt have anything to do with gaining a home field advantage with crowd noise, then its all hogwash, lol. sounds to me like this kind of sh#$ gives people more reason to sit on their ***. When is somebody going to be smart and intuitive enough to recognize what a serious weakness this really is.. and the trickle down effect it has on a team and its pockets.
With all the money they've been putting into this stadium you'd think theyd just build a new one. Its gunna happen eventually anyways.
I think you're taking this a little too seriously. This is one of the many things Stephen Ross is implementing in order to improve the fan experience at Dolphin games. Obviously something about the stadium, team, or game experience isn't drawing the consistency of fans that it should for a team this popular. Parcells is handling the team, Ross is doing his part.
I think Dj is spot on though...the way our stadium is paid out..the fans are way to far away from the field.... In my opinion....those are distractions that take away from the game on the field...they sound kinda cool....but....I would go to a game to escape from all that...TV...wireless..internet...
Exactly, why give up the home field advantage by building a roof? And why make it even more comfortable for opposing fans to come to the stadium? Nothing better than seeing fans come down from Buffalo, sweat their fat asses off, and leave with a bad sunburn. Actually, the one thing better than that is when Pats fans come AND the Dolphins win. Though I do have to agree that more money should be invested in doing everything possible to keep the Dolphin fans loud, on their feet, and engaged in the game on the field. It seems this only regularly happens near the endzones.
No thanks.... not for me.... never. S. Florida's bread and butter is it's weather. Were not Minnesota.
You might be right, dj...but all the silver lining on premium seats doesn't affect the normal folk down there sweating. I really hope of the things Ross does is attract more fans who just want to watch their Dolphin games up close. Intense, but respectful fans so that everyone is happy. The "college age" crowd I go with tends to annoy the family crowd. I wish there was middle ground.
bro its been somethin that has bothered me for 20 years man. We dont draw consistently because the fans dont feel like they can impact a game..that energy is destructive.
stay with it, you can make people convert to the other side, we must retrain our fans, {i do my part every game i go to}, to go along with this bad *** football team we have.
Here is what the Dolphins should do: 1. Install air conditioning underneath every seat, or build seats that are air cooled. I am sure they can do this just like they plug in those A/C things into a player's shoulder pads on the sidelines. 2. Install misting machines. When I lived in Phoenix, most of the outdoor patio seating had misting machines that sprayed you so you wouldn't get sun stroke in the middle of the afternoon. 3. Build a huge shark fin on top of the stadium that can be used to shield the sun off the field and fans. The Phin would probably have to be about 300 feet by 300 feet in height/width. 4. Pass out lots of free samples of Landshark beer. Kind of like the way the do it at the Budweiser and Coor's manufacturing plant. 5. The premium paying customers should get to see a special "clothing optional" video of the Dolphin's cheerleaders.
WEll if they are able to buy that technology from airport security i say make the whole stadium premium seating and there would be a sell out every game! And i think the handhelds are a great idea. Fantasy sports is huge in the sports market and it's great to hear the phins are delivering what many people want.
VT they can't change the stadium configuration until the 2012 stadium, as that is when the Marlins will be out and into their own new place. Until then, they cannot address the fans to the sidelines issue. Its a moot point to complain about it until then.