just saw this scroll by on sportscenter. they were talking about it but i had the sound turned down because i am listening to music. let the speculation and drama begin up in NY.
I think many of us here have said that we wouldn't be surprised if he left the Jets for the Vikings in the off-season. He has a clause in his deal that allows him to essentially 'opt' out of his deal, becoming a free agent and free to sign with a team of his choosing. He wouldn't have to pay back the Jets the money either. I don't expect him to leave though, not for another team at least because there are only two teams - aside from the Jets - that off the top of my head showed interest in him this off-season and those two were the Vikings and Buccaneers. I don't think he goes to Minnesota because I am not sure he has a better chance of winning there and with them possibly in for a new HC, that would be more difficult as he would maybe have to learn a new system. The Buccaneers are possibilities, assuming he thinks that he can win there. In the end, I think for him its Jets or retirement.
Well lets see Minnesota plays the Packers twice while the Bucs wont be playing them for awhile. I think he is done all together IMO.
He got let go by green bay and minnesota is in GB division. maybe favre is just a cynical human being.
I wold think he'd rather go to a place where he can win. I think there might be a better chance of that happening in Tampa than in Minnesota.
I never thought I'd say it, but I'm getting tired of it myself. The whole 'I'm leaning on retiring' thing is wearing thin.
If you step back and look at it, Minnesota may be the best place for Favre. They run a WC offense derived from Andy Reid who was the first guy to get picked from Holmgren's staff IIRC. The other guys who came after him used his stuff to get their own going. Childress used to be the OC for Philly so there are connections. Also think about the divisions involved here. Do you want to play in the ultra competitive NFC South, how about the AFC East? Then there is the NFC North that has both Detroit and a struggling GB team. The Vikings are a QB away from being a legit contender IMO. They have just about everything under the sun in terms of talent. If that team had a better than average QB the SB is not that far fetched. Best runner in the game, great D-line, decent WR, good O-line, good secondary. What else do they need. A good team would roll through that division and get a homefield advantage. Minny is like stealing from the league.
If Favre leaves the Jets after this season (retirement or to another team) and the Jets don't make the playoffs but do win either 9 or 10 games was it a good trade for them? I believe they will have given up a 2nd round pick. They also gave up a ton of money but I'm sure they had more ticket sales and more jersey sales b/c of Favre. My estimation is that with the other moves they made they would win 7 to 9 games this year without Favre.
If he does retire, then the Packers have to give a pick back to the Jest. I can't remember the details of the trade, but it was a good one.
These are the details I recall: The New York Jets acquire Brett Favre. The Packers get a fourth round pick if Brett plays under 50 percent of the snaps in 2008. If Favre plays over 50 percent of the snaps it becomes a third round pick. If Favre plays 70 percent of the snaps and makes the playoffs it becomes a second round pick. If the Favre plays 80 percent of the snaps and the Jets make the Super Bowl it becomes a first round pick. If Favre is traded to the Vikings, the Jets owe the Packers three first round picks. I don't remember anything in there about him retiring.
Go on Jets, trade him Minny!! Dont be *******, DO IT! IMO I dont think its possible to "retire" and then come back to a different team in the same offseason. Thus all the crap with Green Bay that eventually got him sent to NY. Frankly, at this point, who would want him? Hes a late season liability when his arm starts fading, hes not good in cold weather anymore (Minny plays in a dome, but a late season trip to GB or ChiTown is not unlikely), and he throws picks by the bunches. Minny would actually, imo, best be served by going after Cassell-surprised I havent heard that one floated around to much.
Marty Kiffin will no longer be their defensive coordinator, alas they will struggle. Thats debatable considering the Vikings are in the North and seeing how it looks like the NFC South is the best division in the NFL it would be hard to argue this Alen. How would he stick it to GB if he goes to Tampa?
I dont think you can really count divisional records from one year. I mean last year the AFC East was arguably the WORST division in football, now we might be the best. Green Bay is a good team losing close games, and Chicago has a good base as well. The lions can only gp up at this point. Whos to say they might not be one of the best again next year as Carolina and Tampa collapse? Still, if what Rafael posted is gospel, I dont see any way Favre is a Viking after this season, assuming they even want him at this point.
If he was traded to Minnesota or Detroit or Chicago, not just the Vikes There is a clause saying that if he retired after one season, the Packers have to give the Jest, (I think a 6 back). I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was the deal.
in the end, this wil turn out to be a crappy move by the jets. im gonna love to see the pathetic post-farve jets. gonna be fun
Do they even have a backup plan? Surely they arent thinking Kellen Clemmons or whatever his name is will be the replacement? I dont recall them drafting anyone of note lately, and they ditched Penny (well do we know that!), so what is their plan? Surely they didnt expect Favre to be a staple for years to come? Hell, maybe THEY are planning to grab Cassell lol
Here's what I found re: Favre retiring and Jets compensation, According to Adam Schefter of NFL Network, the trade potentially gives the Jets a 2010 Packers draft pick if Favre doesn’t play in 2009. If the Jets ultimately owe the Packers a first-rounder, the pick in 2010 will be a fifth-rounder. If the Jets owe a second-rounder, the pick in 2010 will be a sixth-rounder. If the Jets owe a third-rounder, the pick in 2010 will be a seventh-rounder. If the compensation doesn’t move from the initial fourth-round selection, the Jets get nothing back if he doesn’t play in 2009.