Can the young secondary bounce back from two poor games? Can the Defense generate pressure from it's base package look? -Which of the UDFA Wr's step up and TAKE the roster spot vacated by Greg Camarillo's trade to the Vikings? -Marlon Moore -Julius Pruitt -Roberto Wallace -Pat Turner, he is not a UDFA, he just plays like one. -Can the Special Teams unit manage to not allow a punt block or long return? -Will it rain again...?
Wonder when us out-of-towner types can expect to see this on NFL Network? Thursday next week? December?
Hopefully there won't be another Monsoon rain. If someone could PM me with a link about 20 minutes before game time, that would rock!!!!
do you have a computer with internet access and 70 dollars? .......its a fee for this information iam giving you
As far as the game goes, I'm really looking forward to what we'll see out of the offense. Since tonight they'll play the longest I'm looking for efficiency and maybe a few big plays. Also I'd like to see them start off better tonight.
I'd like to see what he can do after his nice game last week. See if he falters or keeps up the momentum. Seeing as how we always start slow the first few games, I think whatever momentum we can carry forward on offense will be beneficial.
No, I meant asking that question was silly....its SICK, you know the answer before you even needed to ask it. See!
I know, and I was being lit aflame for that stupid question. I was wondering if the burning sensation was the beginning of said firey demise. However I now realize I may have a bigger problem.
I am the exact opposite. I want to see something, ANYTHING out of our pass defense. Pressure on the QB, interceptions, knocking down passes...anything. I fully expect to see a fairly big helping of Ronnie/Ricky tonight. Atlanta's defense is suspect and it should be a good test for our o-line to see if they can get a solid push in what is probably their closest thing to a dress rehearsal for the season. Oh and no injuries...unless it is on the Falcon's side.
Well I would like to see that as well. Maybe one or two interesting blitzes. Nothing too revealing, but more than vanilla. Also I hope it stays dry tonight, I'd like to see if our CB's are any better on a dry field. Lastly we've seen little improvements from Chris Clemmons, let's see if he can step up more.