Just listened to the falcons owner interview and he said that someone with the wildcat would benefit from vick ability to run.My guess is he was talking maybe about the dolphins ? He talks about it on around the 2:10 minute mark, sounds interesting but then again we have Pat already.He also mention he would try to trade him. Also if i remember correctly he would have to play for the minimum wage 630,000 i believe,Correct me if Im wrong... http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8106bf91&template=without-video-with-comments&confirm=true Just figure i throw this in the forum to have something to chat about
Didn't the Cowboys, or more like Jerry Jones, say they wanted to implement the wild cat? Dallas seems like a good spot for x-cons. This move wouldn't suprise me at all.
Practically every team started trying the Wildcat last year after we started having so much success with it, so I think he's just speaking in general terms. He knows that a lot of teams will be implementing some form of the Wildcat or something similar. You see, The MIAMI DOLPHINS revolutionized the NFL. Woooooo!
Dam shame they moved the thread ,I figure it would be a good chat since we ran the wildcat, oh well never surprises me
i could see vick traded/going to the raiders with mcfadden in the backfield,i could see cable implementing it to try and save his j o b. i could see them fail miserably without a line to protect it.
I actually wonder if the Dolphins were the ones to copy someone else. The reason I wonder that is because the Jets ran it the season before with Leon Washington taking snaps. Problem is that they didn't use it extensively like we did; I believe they used it once.