For the week one game vs the Falcons, I have been working with them to get group rate tickets. I have gotten lower level corner tickets on the Dolphins side for $79 each. So far, we have around 60-70 tickets purchased already, and I'm expecting at least 15 more to be purchased in the next couple days. The Dol-Fan Bandits and Big Papa Pump himself will be with us. My contact at the Falcons says the more the merrier, so everyone is invited. The night before the game, I am going down to Atlanta, and I will be hosting a party at Taco Mac (Its a big sports bar next to the Phillips Arena, near the GA Dome.) for everyone who is coming in from out of town. The next morning, we will have our own parking lot reserved for tailgating. I'll be bringing a keg, as well as a turkey fryer to cook up hot wings, and anything else people want fried. (I think I'll be referring to the wings as 'Falcon Wings' that day. ) The only downside is that I'll need to collect by Saturday, May 23 at the latest. I think we can have that whole section filled with Phins fans. So far, the forums that have people coming are Phinatics, The Dolphins Make Me Cry, and one guy from PhinHeaven. This started out as just a small group of maybe 20-25 people mainly from my Chattanooga fan club, but it grew. People are coming from Tennessee, South and North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, with some people possibly coming from as far away as Missouri and Pennsylvania. If you want to go, send me a PM, and I'll give you my contact info. For the complete details, go here: and look at the blog there. You can add me too. I plan on doing one of these events a year from now on. My contact info is there as well. Or, you can call me at 423-320-7080. I'm available to call every day between 10AM and 11PM. I also have a list of hotels that the Falcons work with to give groups discounted rates on rooms. That info is here So, lets make that an extra home game for the Phins!!!
The first check for the first batch of tickets away. 79 total, and I know of at least 10-12 more tickets that will be bought this week. The second batch of tickets need to be paid for by Saturday, May 23 at the very absolute latest. After that, you will be on your own to get tickets, and they may not be able to get you with the group. You'll have to pay full price, as well as Ticketmaster's surcharge. So, sit with the group!
We are up to 96 tickets. We will break 100 all in one section. Time to get tickets is running out. Don't miss out!
Wished I would've seen this sooner. I doubt I can get the necessary money together by Saturday but I'll try.
The deadline to purchase tickets has come and gone...Total number of tickets and Dol-fans in the Georgia Dome is 104. We did it! We broke 100!!! If you're going, you will have a great time! If not, you can still watch it on TV...And you'll see us on TV, and be thinking to yourselves "Damn, I could have been there too!" But, if you havent bought tickets, and still want to go to the game and tailgate with us, you can still purchase tickets throught the Falcons or Ticketmaster. They are not guaranteed to be with the group though, and likely won't be. I will be posting in this thread with the tailgate info, as well as the party the night before. Cant wait for the event...Hope to meet others who didn't get tickets at the tailgate and the party the night before. GO PHINS!!!!
Woohoo just got a couple of tickets myself and I will be at the Dome to watch the Phins hammer the Falcons!
^^^ See if you can trade your tickets with Falcons fans sitting near our group so that you can be with a group of 100+ Phins fans, and the Falcons fans can get away from us. Also, get in touch with me in August. We are having a party the night before the game, and a tailgate the day of. You're more than welcome at those events. We're lower corner on the Phins side, section 103.
I'll send you a message closer to the event. I will most likely try to find you guys for the tailgate if nothing else.
Hey TNooga, Have you had any cancellations to the group tickets for the Falcons game? Just curious, as I'll be driving down from Raleigh to meet a great friend who lives in Atlanta. We're taking his young son as well, so we're going to get 3 tickets, but would love to sit with a bunch of Dolfans if possible. Regards, David in Raleigh
^^ We havent had any cancellations yet. I doubt we will at this point. But, see if you can get seats in section 103. If not, try for other lower corner sections in the stadium. Then trade your tickets with Falcons fans sitting near us. I know of about 10 people who are doing that.
Hey TNooga, I'll be attending that game too. I'm section 106, 8 rows up, corner visitors end zone. So I suppose I'll be sitting directly across from you guys. Don't worry. I'll be showing my Dolphins pride even if I'm in enemy territory.
Nevermind, I actually looked at the Georgia Dome layout. We wont be too far apart. And I'll plan to show up early for the tail gate.