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Example or Disgrace ?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by PMZQ, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. PMZQ

    PMZQ Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Miami, FL
    A stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard was tailgating a man. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

    The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.

    As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, finger printed, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

    After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus do?' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, naturally...I assumed you had stolen the car."
  2. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Disgrace. The woman that is. Hair + Makeup + Driving = bad news.

    Forget all that other stuff.
  3. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    The cop should have arrested the first car that failed to go while still yellow thus impeading her ability to drive normally and also make it thru the intersection.

    That first car and its inability to drive properly was clearly being a "Satan-Loving Brake-hugger" and a toolbox!!!!
    adamprez2003 likes this.
  4. Lt Dan

    Lt Dan Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 23, 2008
    Eglin AFB, Fl
    PMZQ likes this.
  5. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    when i do drive i always slow down on yellow too some crazy bastard could be coming through the intersection and crush me.

    maybe our drivers are crazier than yours.
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  6. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    :lol: great story
    PMZQ likes this.
  7. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    We are always witnesses with our actions to what we profess with words.
    Soundwave, dolphindebby and PMZQ like this.
  8. FinsPensFan

    FinsPensFan Professional Slacker

    Dec 21, 2007
    Wheeling, WV
    I got a good laugh out of that one. Thanks.
    PMZQ likes this.
  9. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    It depends on how close I am to the stoplight, if a green liht turns yellow a few feet ahead of me I'll take it.
  10. dolphindebby

    dolphindebby Season Ticket Holder Luxury Box

    Nov 26, 2007
    And boy do we hear it if we make a mistake.
    Soundwave and Ohiophinphan like this.
  11. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I understand that. But when you have people that are gay or Atheist or otherwise outside the "norm", then those people hear it a lot too. I can tell you this, I've never been given any guff for being Atheist by anyone other than people who consider themselves Christian.

    I think the problem is, the good ones, like yourself and Ohio, and many others here are just not darn vocal enough.:yes:
    dolphindebby and Ohiophinphan like this.
  12. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I think the problem is that the Catholic church (and right or wrong Christians get lumped in with this) has spent centuries criticizing and telling others what to do and pretending they did no wrong themselves (despite many atrocities). This makes anybody who aligns themselves with the church a target when they screw up.
  13. Miamian

    Miamian Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2007
    Jerusalem, Israel
    Back on track. It's refreshing to see that someone didn't get away with doing something illegal.

    Being accustomed to getting away with doing something instills a sense of entitlement. Being arrested would be a little over the top for a traffic violation but she should definitely get a warning.

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