Breaking news on espn says they want parcells as VP of football operations, so wayne if parcells is interested in getting back into football, we have to make a run at him and give him full control over the entire operation
I wouldn't be opposed to giving Parcells full control. I really dislike the thought Mueller running the show for another year.
Same here, excepting the comment on Mueller. I'm indifferent to him right now. He gave us a good draft, and he's absolutely amazing at working the phones for trades that are beneficial to us. (How the hell he got a draft pick at all for Olindo Mare is beyond me.) But he doesn't build great teams: he builds merely good ones. I doubt Parcells will go to Atlanta. Arthur Blank is probably a little too involved for his liking.
the thing is if parcells does show interest in getting back into football at the management level you have to call him
The article also mentioned that Parcells has has "limited dialogue" with the Dolphins - is that he and Wayne's golf outings. As far as Mueller goes, I remember seeing someone do a history of his best draft picks, and the only two defensive standouts I remember were Cortez Kennedy and Shawn Springs - I don't know if I would want Mueller trying to rebuild my defense.
I think adding parcells as a VP would be great. add some stability to the franchise and a great football mind to oversee the HC and GM...
I tell you what if you listen to Parcells on TV or Radio its pretty obvious that he kowns how to build a team.
Yeah, I'm not really sold on Mueller's ability to build a defense. To me, his drafting record indicates that he'll find solid but unremarkable talent in the first three rounds, and pretty much whiff in the lower rounds.
hopefully when this sale thing is finalized, then wayne can hire bill as president of football operations and he can run the show
Honest question here: What's Parcells' draft and player personnel history? It's hard to tell b/c he didn't have full power in NE and I don't think had full power in Dallas either. I trust him more than Mueller. Pretty much agree w/ Desides' thoughts on Muel. I'm indifferent, yet not all that confident in him.
Parcells built what the Cowboys are now and based on that I would have to say he is pretty damn good at evaluating talent.
IMO it will depend on the ownership situation.If the Dolphins are sold in three year transition buyout that would mean that Wayne would become a lame duck owner and logic would indicate that major changes wont be made. A new owner doesnt want to be saddled with a VP of football operations and financial obligations it may not want. On the other hand its unlikely that Parcells would take the job because of the uncertainty of the ownership situation.
I like the idea of Parcells coming in to help this team get off the ground. He's got a good idea of what it takes to win and I think he could turn the team around quickly. He has seemed to wander around a lot in recent years so I wouldn't expect him to be around more than 3 or 4 years but it shouldn't take him longer than that to get a playoff caliber team here so I can live with him building a team for 3 years and riding back to ESPN. I would doubt that Cam would be his coach though.....
Somebody posted this link in another thread somewhere. As to the Cowboys, he wasn't the GM there.
We would have to be crazy not to at least give Parcells a call. This is why we are as bad as we are, poor personnel decisions from top to bottom. The ownership change may be a distraction to what should be a very active off-season for Wayne. Instead were in the middle of selling the team. Unbelievable!!
Dream Team, Front office. Dolphins need a " Mr. Wheel & Dealer " for the off season and Draft. Only one Person, fits that description. Jimmy Johnson. Then a Personnel Person Randy Mueller. Then a Head Coach Bill Parcell. Then OC Cam Cameron
That's an EXCELLENT point!! If one has a choice between Arthur Blank and Wayne Huzienga, it's a no brainer which one that person will most likely take. It's not always about $$$$...
I want Parcells in miami as much as anybody. But this is pure speculation about him coming to miami, who has ever said he would? bonedoc wrote pft said jay glazer said miami is interested in parcells, when did they say that? I read pft often never saw that article. And getting to what I quoted, assuming Parcells is interested in Miami which I don't know how ANYONE is drawing this conclusioon-what makes Wayne Huizenga more attractive than Arthur Blank? I realize Arthur Blank is more involved than Wayne (similar to the annoying Jerry Jones), but what makes Huizenga an attractive owner? He is selling our team. He has 49% already unloaded, and similar to the deal he made with Joe Robbie (15% the first year, 85% 3 years after) the realtor guy is gonna end up with the WHOLE team. and who knows if he will be parading around our sidelines or anything. this is ******ed. pure speculation. I am a dolphin fan too but can't we be a little realistic
Like what was said before, With all the commotion going on about the Dolphins right now Is the team for sale or not, is Cam or Randy coming back? Bill Parcelles want's no part of that type of organazation. I think Jimmy Johnson has burned his bridges with this organazation as well. Sadly untill Wayne makes these things know we will have a hard time doing alot of things.
Thank you Sam! Your link should be "stickied" to end these Parcells threads. Man, I forgot about his 97 draft. Just awful.
If one is Parcells he does have to take into the state of the franchise. Need I say more. I think if Wayne wasn't selling it would be more of a dilemma for Parcells. He is friendly with the man and that speaks volumes to the last owner he worked for. What gets me about Wayne is that he always waits until it's too late to move.
Sounds like change for change's sake. Parcells doesn't have much of a track record as a personell guy and what he has isn't all that good. Mueller on the other hand has been at this part of the job much longer and has some very nice picks and a reputation for turning a team around through the draft. I know a lot of fans want change because this team is doing so poorly, but change has already been made. It was started with Saban, which was doomed to fail as a coach cannot be a GM and succeed, and it is continuing with Cam and Randy. Give them a chance. They walked into a situation that most coaches wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. Anyways, it doesn't sound like we have a chance: