Whoa shocker fellas ESPN - NFL - Madden 09 Forecast Besides I know this simulation is full of pure bull manure because they have Ginn catching 10 balls for 131 yards
AJ Feeley was pretty good on Madden, in a matter of a year or two he was up to 94-95 overall... If only Madden equated to real life...
Hey, even if we lose this has been an amazing season. I'll be a fair sight happier if we win, though.
That's exactly what we all have to remember. So much is being said about playoffs and going 11-5 that I think most of us have forgotten exactly how far this team really has progressed this season. 9-7, 10-6 - either of those would be awesome but the sad truth is more than likely either of those records leave us at home for the playoffs and that would be disappointing. It's already happened to use a few times during this span that Miami has pulled off a pretty solid season but still missed the playoffs. I want to lobby to get rid of the AFC West so more real teams can make the playoffs.