[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JPimBZvAV4"]YouTube - Eagles Owner Jeff Lurie Hi-Fives His Wife's Face[/ame]
I was at a buddies house watching the game, he goes "didn't he just hi-five her in the face?" So I re-winded it and yep! he smacked her in the face. lol
eh, i don't see the big deal, she had her protective goggles on... what's that? oh those were glasses?? LMAO!
you say failed attempt at high fives..i say he saw opportunity to snot her nose and he took it. he seemed much happier after her "high five". she looks kinda foreigner so maybe thats custumary high five in her country..she didn't seem upset at all that her nose was snotted.
he high fived her left hand, though not very well, but you can see them hitting each other's hands. If he had it her in the face, she would have reacted to it, put her glasses on properly, put her hand to her face something.