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drinking PROBLEM

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by anlgp, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    See, my issue isn't about the frequency of my drinking because I don't really drink too often; but when I do drink beer/liquor i go to extremes. I was at a family party yesterday (step-moms side) and had more than my and your share of tequila + pre-made mixed drinks. and at least one beer. I don't think I got sick because I don't have that feeling that I did but I do know I blacked out on the ride home. I don't remember getting here. I remember leaving the party, though.

    I remember giving a guy named Jason some pretty serious advice (legit, too. guy cuts himself.. wanted to help) and my step-mom being pretty pissed about.. something. I'm guessing how I was talking (dropping the F bomb a lot in the presence of children).

    So long story short. I feel like ****. Not physically besides my banged up knees (how...?) but mentally. Because I know there's alcohol addiction problems on both sides of my family. And not only am I more susceptible because of that but that I feel like I'm heading down that road myself. Because I continually make an *** out of myself when I drink - even though it may just have been improper language this time.

    I think I need to cut way back on social drinking or drinking in general... but I do fine when I'm by myself; I drink to taste. But when it comes to being around people - any people - and getting drunk....

    the night is not good.

    I'm the guy that's falling over because he's had one too many, etc. I do like to have a few beers with close friends or one after a nice days work though and would like to continue doing that.. but at this point.. this moment in time.. that feels like an excuse or a justification to continue drinking.

    i'm willing to guess that there's at least one of you here and maybe a few of you who have been in similar circumstances and have won the war. so did you cut back or did you stop? because i woke up this morning jokingly telling myself I need to quit drinking..

    and then i quickly told myself it's not a joke.
    Sethdaddy8, dolphindebby and 54Fins like this.
  2. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Bro, I struggled with this when I was younger...your age, a little older too.

    I always liked the taste of booze; my first drink of hard liquor was straight vodka, warm.

    Loved it.

    Next it was Scotch...couldn't get enough, and I only drank premium brands, even way back when you didn't see any single-malts around.

    I'd always drink too much at social occasions. Then one evening at a work function, I drank way too much once again, and stupidly decided to drive home - 26 miles.

    I was lucky; nothing bad happened, I only had to stop and puke once. But as I hung out my car door barfing on a secluded back road close to my house, I had a moment of clarity and saw myself for how I was acting - a selfish, self-indulgent idiot.

    That incident (in my late 20s) put a stop to my overindulgence. From then on I only drank while I was enjoying the taste and the social lubrication that a drink or two provides - no more.

    Not that I haven't tipped a glass too many on select occasions since...I'm no saint. But not like back then. Never again.

    And I have never, ever gotten behind the wheel again when I felt the least bit inebriated.
  3. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Yeah I hear ya on the loving booze thing. My first drink was probably around 13/15 time frame and I have been drinking off and on since (off and on like i was talking about in the first post.. not off and on drinking).

    There are some instances where I'd like to think that anyone would drink like I did at the time - IE. girlfriend tells you she's pregnant, you break up and never hear from her again - but I can't claim those all the time.. yesterday for example.
  4. Jaydog57

    Jaydog57 Canes/Fins/Magic fan

    Jun 25, 2008
    Daytona Beach, FL
    Good luck with that man, blacking out can lead to some serious issues that can affect not just you but also the people around you. And I can tell you from experience that saying 'I'm sorry' the next day doesn't always matter. Especially if you have to keep saying it on a regular basis. I'd give anything to be one of those guys that can drink a couple beers watching a football game, stop, and then get a pizza.
    dolphindebby, anlgp and NaboCane like this.
  5. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Yeah I usually don't say " I'm sorry " the next day because I don't think I do anything when I black out.. I just .. black out. I just don't move.

    Yesterday I was at a place where they don't cuss at all; and I was cussing so much the paint was coming off the walls.

    So I did apologize today.

    Luckily I don't usually black out.. my MO is I usually drink way past my point without realizing it and I end up getting sick. I do clean it up but it's still embarrassing.
    Jaydog57 likes this.
  6. 54Fins

    54Fins "In Gase we trust"

    Nov 29, 2007
    over there
    The best way to stay out of situations like that in the first place,is to not pick up that initial drink.Not the best advice but it holds true.
    The other thing is the Tequilla.I quit drinking that sheet a long time ago.I now call it the devil's concoction.It beckons trouble IMHO.It also gives you the sense that you can drive.......:no: after a few shots.Ask Donte Stallworth how that went,or better yet ask me! I did the same thing as him(without anyone getting hurt or killed) and did more time on my first ever offense.Stay away from the stuff.
    I'm not telling you or anyone to stop drinking at parties and such,but some peeps have a hard time with the moderation thing and it usually leads to trouble,fights,breakups,tickets,jail,etc.
    Take it one drink at a time and please be safe,bro.

    DOLPHAN1 and anlgp like this.
  7. TokyoFishFan

    TokyoFishFan New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    I'd love to be able to give you advice, but I've never experienced what you're up against.

    Here in Japan there is a lot of social pressure to drink, especially at business functions. Beer, in particular, is almost ALWAYS served and you're expected to toast with alcohol of some sort. I don't particularly like beer, so I pick up a glass of sake instead.

    In short, if I know the pressure will be too much, I either avoid the function completely or I make plans in advance to ensure I have a ride home.

    As for drinking too much...not being able to hold your liquor at a business function doesn't bode well for anyone and blacking out when you've made a business deal is going to be bad all the way around, so you definitely need to get control of it--business business or family business is really the same environment.

    Bottom line: If you can't hold yourself to just one or two glasses, don't pick up the first one. Ask for water or juice or soda.

    It's easier said than done I'm sure.
  8. 124

    124 Banned

    May 12, 2008
    As someone who loves to drink and has had about 6 beers this morning already after getting in from the bar at 2 (when we went out at 1pm) and woke up at 8... I really can't give any advice but good luck in whatever you choose to do bro.
  9. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    They say that blacking out even once proves you have a problem. Not sure that I agree. But YOU feel that you have a problem so you will have to limit yourself somehow.

    I have a drinking problem too. One mouth and two hands...
    Stitches likes this.
  10. The G Man

    The G Man Git 'r doooonnne!!!

    Mar 18, 2009
    I think admitting you have a problem with drinking is half the battle. A lot of people that have a problem either don't know it, or deny it.

    Re; "blacking out," my interpretation of blacking out is having a loss of memory for some period(s) of time. It's not passing out. So, when you say blacking out, is that what you mean? Not remembering what you said/did?

    Re; alcoholism running in the family, there's a running debate as to whether or not it is hereditary. Some say it is, I personally don't agree. However, if you grew up watching your parents drink, and frequently, then I think there's a greater likelihood you will drink to as an adult. It's an environmental influence.

    My advice would be try to drink in moderation, and stay away from the hard stuff (especially Takillya). As has been said, it's the devil's concoction. If you like beer, drink light beer as you can have more with less chance of getting schnockered. Or, just try and set a limit. Go into the situation with a max (take a six pack and tell yourself when that's gone, your done). And, if you just can't stop once you get started (and, I know all to well how that goes), then the best thing to do is abstain. Easier said than done, but you'll be better of in the long run.

    Good luck, and just remember...if you really think you have a problem, admitting is half the battle. The next thing to do is find someone you can talk to about it. Maybe seek out your local AA group. They're there to help bro.

    Take care...
    anlgp likes this.
  11. dolfan06

    dolfan06 New Member

    May 19, 2008
    i have a problem, my stomach isn't big enough to hold what i want.:yes:
  12. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I did the binge drinking thing when I was younger. What stopped it for me is that I didn't like who I was when I got out of control. I wasn't intentionally mean or anything. I thought I was being funny and it came out more as obnoxious. I don't have the best filter when I'm sober as it is. I tend to say what is on my mind and I tend to be blunt. But I try not hurt people. When I was drunk I lost the ability to feel when I might be hurting somebody with my words or when I was just being an annoyance.

    So I learned to find my level. The point where I had a comfortable buzz but was still in control. Part of that is just maturity, I guess. So, I never quit drinking. I don't drink that often as it is (it probably averages about a drink a week) but now when I do go out and have several drinks the pace is slower and the overall number of drinks is less.

    So I never had any huge incident (a DUI or anything like that), I just didn't like who I was when I drank too much so I made myself conscious of it and curtailed it. Now I don't have many addictive tendencies (Dolphin football not withstanding) so it may have been easier for me but if you do have addictive tendencies then it seems like you have an even stronger reason to curtail your drinking.
    anlgp likes this.
  13. dolphan117

    dolphan117 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    I think the fact that you are looking at it this was is a great sign and I don't think having this problem really says anything bad about you as long as you recognize it. I figured out long ago that if I didn't ration my alcohol religiously I could become an alcoholic in about 2 weeks. It was kinda a sobering moment and ever since I have been VERY careful about how often and how much I drink.

    Good luck man, it sounds like you are heading in the right direction..... My advice is that if you continue to find it hard to only take a drink or 2 in social occasions then simply don't drink in that setting, or maybe consider not drinking at all.

    Its something that I have kept in my mind since I figured out I could become an alcoholic. I like to drink, even with the way I limit it, and giving up all forms of alcohol would be a big deal to me.... But if it comes down to me being able to keep my life in order or becoming more and more dependant on alcohol/doing things drunk that I wouldn't do sober then I will have to give it up. I know other people on this forum have found themselves in places they didn't want to be partly because of alcohol and they chose to give it up so they could keep living.

    I think its all up to the individual. There is nothing wrong with alcohol, but like anything else if it becomes an addiction then its a problem, and a serious one.
  14. Lab3003

    Lab3003 Golden era

    Nov 23, 2007
    Bal Harbour, FL
    Step 1 = take a multi-vitamin that has Folate and Vitamin B12. Very crucial. Alcoholism is associated w/poor nutrition and having high levels of Folate and B12 is critical to normal health. So get your overall health in place. IF you aren't already be sure to be doing at least 3 hours of cardiovascular exercise a week.

    Step 2 = There's a quick alcoholism assessment doctors use to determine the level of abuse in patients during a consultation. If you'd like, you can PM me and I can you give the questions that would assess if you really have a problem.

    I'm here to help in any capacity! Please feel free to contact me.
    anlgp likes this.
  15. Den54

    Den54 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Find a vice that you can handle.
    slickj101 and anlgp like this.
  16. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    :lol: lmfao
  17. Jaydog57

    Jaydog57 Canes/Fins/Magic fan

    Jun 25, 2008
    Daytona Beach, FL
    hey anlgp,send me a pm to send you one, says I can't send you one 'cause you don't take 'em.
    anlgp likes this.
  18. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    when you have one of those nights when you do things that you may be embarrassed over, it doesnt help that alcohol is a depressant too. it magnifies how you feel. but it will wear off. just try to stay on guard next time you're drinking in public.
  19. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    You were pretty blacked out in Orlando when you tried to buy Univeral Studio tickets from that guy on the street. :lol: :up:
  20. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    I used to drink like that. Back in HS that was the regular schedule at least 3 nights a week.

    The thing for me was that I really got tired of that "O ****" feeling as soon as I woke up the next morning. I hated waking up and thinking "****, what did I do the night before and what did I possibly mess up."

    On top of that, I hated waking up and feeling horrible to start the day. I stay pretty busy and lift quite a bit, so waking up like that just made my day way too much tougher and the night before not worth it.

    For what it's worth, I've had many more of those "O ****" nights from liquor than beer. The first thing I would suggest is getting rid of the hard **** or at least cutting it back a lot. Stick to beer and work your way down from there if needed.
  21. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    I probably should ask if you think it's worse with liqour than beer?

    I would assume yes but who knows. Liqour can just creep up on you and knock you on your ***.
  22. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    :lol: Maybe pick up a pron habit to substitute for the drinking.
  23. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    liquor is what is usually available. i don't drink the beer my family buys for the most part because it is cheap stuff and i have a high taste for beer.

    :shifty: that's my next thread...
  24. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    I'd def buy your own beer then. And if it's for a social setting then it would actually be a good thing to just buy your own 6 pack, drink it, then quit after you finish it.

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