Football is back, 30 minutes until kick off, inactives include Wake, Gardner, Murph, Turner, Clemmons..
Newly signed CB Brian Williams is starting for the Falcons over Brent Grimes in Week 1.
Gardner is a helluva LT prospect, Garner has been in the system for a year and knows the offense as well as both Rt and Lt.
He doesn't know their scheme at all, and they still are NOT good in that defensive backfield EDIT: Actually, the fact he can come in this late and start shows how bad they actually are.
Teddy G owned him in the preseason, BW starting so quickly should tell everyone just how thin the Byrds are at Db.
'twas 10 minutes until kickoff Hot wings are nestled in the oven, beer is placed in the Fridge with care with the hopes that St Dolphins Touchdown soon would be there
I just opened a nice cold beer, poured it into one of my many Miami Dolphins glasses... Im ready to go!!! 10 minutes now!!!!
Nah, Anderson and Walden are better ST players, and Anderson knows the coverages, Wake is a single purpose passrusher and we have JT and JP for that so it makes sense.
Boomer was the only ESPN analyst to pick the Dolphins (don't really care but found it interesting, since he's a Bills fan)
What's up my brothers and sisters? I don't know how much I'll be posting during the game. Between watching the game and watching my FF stats. Still, I'm checking in for now and echoing sentiments ....GO DOLPHINS!!.....
Kenny, Dennis says hey. btw, tell Dennis that if he's going to watch the Fins game at my place, he needs to wear a Dolphins jersey or at least SOME Fins gear...