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Dolphins place Tua in IR

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Vertical Limit, Sep 17, 2024.

  1. StaleTacos

    StaleTacos Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2022
    Sigh. I wish you used some common sense. You have no idea the tests that were done on Tua leading up to the decision to place him on the IR. As you mentioned there were 5 days before he went on the IR. I assure you the independent neurologist were heavily involved here because they are REQUIRED to be. This is logical. If you think it's just a league conspiracy to screw the Dolphins. Have at it, but occam's razor.
  2. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Common sense isn’t so common for Stale. Of course Tua saw a neurologist the night of the game. He was ruled out by him. However, he was placed on IR before seeing a neurologist for a full check-up. There’s just no denying this fact. Unless, of course, a person can’t read or has no common sense.
  3. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    It wasn't reports. Tua said he considered it.
  4. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Yes, Occam’s Razor…

    An independent neurologist, contracted by the league, not the team…on the sideline of a football game…AFTER BUSINESS HOURS…must OBVIOUSLY have NO OTHER PATIENTS scheduled that have appointments.

    That or it’s a doctor who says, “sure, let me cancel all these other patients to see your player in my office because obviously he’s much more important than these other patients.”

    No one is saying the independent neurologist didn’t do an evaluation on the sideline. No one is saying he didn’t make a field diagnosis of Tua having a concussion. No one is saying his evaluation led him to the conclusion Tua was not recommended to continue playing in the game. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT.

    All folks like me with common sense are saying is from the time Tua was ruled out during the game until the time he was placed on IR Tuesday, he was NOT EXAMINED BY A NEUROLOGIST AT SAID NUEROLOGIST’s CLINIC.

    Not possible, not unless you know of doctors that work on Saturday and Sunday. In my 59 years of life, I’ve yet to meet one…except ER residents.
  5. StaleTacos

    StaleTacos Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2022
    Well you are now moving the goalposts here. You originally said, "why would you make THAT call prior to him seeing any specialists?" So now that we've established that's indeed incorrect. He did see specialist. It's required he undergoes a number of tests in the locker room (not just the sideline). Let's proceed.

    It's not just the sidelines, there's full testing done in the locker room after a player is ruled out on the sidelines:
    "vi. Focused Neurological Exam, inclusive of the following: (A)Cervical Spine Examination (including range of motion and pain); (B) Evaluation of speech; (C) Testing of gait, coordination, and balance; and (D)Eye Movements and Pupillary Exam."

    Then AFTER this test, they actually are REQUIRED TO test him AGAIN prior to the player going home:
    "and an assessment should be repeated prior to discharge home"
    "Performing serial concussion evaluations may be useful because concussive injury can evolve and may not be apparent for several minutes or hours. Even if a player performs at baseline or better on an initial concussion assessment and is returnedto practice or play, he must be checked periodically during practice or play andagain before leaving the venue. Components of the NFL Locker Room Comprehensive Concussion Assessment may be utilized in the performance of such evaluations:"
    "The results of subsequent exams by the Club physician should be communicated to the sideline UNC in the spirit of “concussion team” cooperation and patient safety, especially if the sideline UNC is not immediately present."

    Then he's required to have another follow up the following day:
    "At a minimum, the follow up exam should consist of: a)focused neurological examination, and b) complete symptom checklist. If symptoms and/or neurological examination are abnormal when compared to baseline, the Locker Room Concussion Evaluation should be performed."

    What exactly is your evidence that the UNC or INC wasn't involved in the 5 days prior to being placed on the IR?
    JJ_79 and Sceeto like this.
  6. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Yes, he considered it after his mom asked and he said “no”.
  7. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
  8. Fireland

    Fireland Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Relevant in terms of people thinking only Tua would be placed on IR

    resnor likes this.
  9. danmarino

    danmarino Hyperbole or death Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    4th concussion in 2 years and 2nd concussion in 9 weeks. Tua hadn’t had a concussion since 2022 and had 1 this season for a total of 4 in 6 years.
    Also, was Olave symptom free the day after like Tua?
    Tuanon4Life likes this.
  10. Tuanon4Life

    Tuanon4Life Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Good so when he plays again in 5 weeks people can stop saying Tua's crazy for continuing his career. Time to pass the baton.

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