Wow - I wonder if it was another team, if the "fire" would be in him. I'm shocked. I wonder if this has anything to do with all the drama that's enfolding our team rigt now.
Do you suppose it was just more than he thought it would be? All the pressure etc. has to be hard on these young guys.
Sounds to me like he was going to have to work harder than he wanted to and probably realized he was a project and he wouldnt have a chance to start, or maybe even make the roster so he's given up. Hopefully he got a decent education and can move on with his life elsewhere!
Dolphins rookie quit because he ‘didn’t have the fire’
Wow. That was quick. I had moderate hopes for the guy. I think he had a reasonable shot at pushing Soliai for the backup NT role. If that possibility doesn't light a fire, then I guess your heart is just not in the game. Well, back to hoping Soliai buckles down. Dotson is, possibly, a long term project at the position. Unless Soliai really turns things around, I think NT is definitely high priority going into next year's draft.
Dammit. He was so awesome. I mean, I was really concerned for the life of Clemens or Pennington in 2008. Thank god he retired. All together now.... WHO!!!???
For the last two hours I've read this thread as 'Dies' instead of 'Retires' I was actually upset about it for a while. I feel dumb now.
It's because you would never expect to see a headline with the terms "retire" and "23" both in it. Bpk
I think to play this game at a high level you have to love it. He didn't so he did the grown up thing and walked away. All respect to him, it was better than us paying somebody to do their job half assed.