Here is the thing, do people think aliens are STILL flying around in pie tin shaped devices? If these aliens are so smart, wouldn't they have some type of invisible mode? And why would they need to be hovering right above the earth in the iddle of the day? They should be able to figure out when it is night time for certain areas of earth right? And they don't have telescopes? They have hovering flying saucers and manage to escape us at all turns and are generally believed to be an enlightened race, but they still need to hover dangerously close to our atmosphere, potentially exposing themselves to us? What are they, FRENCH aliens?
or they are so ****ing smart....they knew you would not believe it if they did the opposite of "the obvious" maybe they are ASIAN-aliens?!!!!??!?
Or they're here man'd or un-man'd for same reasons we send probes to mars etc and taking samples / readings during sunlight effected periods.
It isn't that I don't believe I just have a hard time with the little green men in saucers with bug eyes and anal probes.
i dont know about this glare.. but the article about the 'secret accident' that it linked to is pretty interesting
Honestly, when I first opened this thread the page wouldn't load until the third try. I was beginning to think that we're not.