I don't follow but I didn't see the whole game. I did see the blown call by the officials. And I did see Shanahan go for 2 when he could have easily played for OT. Pretty classy move imo. How exactly did the Bronco's cheat?
Two things, the game was not rigged, there was a technical problem that didn't allow one play to be reviewed- **** happens man - and the ref blew a whistle on a fumble when he should have swallowed it instead. He screwed up. Also I'm curious how the Broncos cheated.
yeah how is it the broncos fault? everyone needs to shut up with the refs, in all sports. its getting ****ing old..san diego still let them score the touchdown and convert on 2 point conversion. thats not the refs fault
That is an absurd accusation. Two errors, human errors, one that couldn't be checked because of mechanical failure, the other a mistake by one of the BEST refs in the business. Rigged..pfft
I dont know about the game being rigged, but S.D. did get the raw end of both calls that did happen to be in Denver's home, and in Denver's favor. I hate seeing games decided by the refs, but it happens. The only thing worse than being a phins fan right now would prob. be being a Chargers fan in the sense that two weeks in a row they HAD the game in the bag, and they lost at the final seconds. Atleast we were well aware of the outcome of the game about....1:33 seconds into the game...
How about the other 30 points that the Chargers gave up? Also how about the Chargers having to settle for 2 FG's late in the game instead of getting TD's?
I dont think anyone's questioning the fact that Denver was in the game, and played very well. The fact remains though, that the best game of the week so far is tainted by an error on the refs part. It was a fantastic game.
Broncos did not cheat at all...but if i had money on the Chargers i would be really pissed off...They should of won that game, but people make mistakes, and Ed made a mistake, but i like how he admitted to it and made the right call... i will say it was a great game to watch and it could be costly for the chargers down the road, o and im glad Chambers had a great game!
Big point IMO that he ADMITTED it was a bad call. Bad calls suck, but it sucks even more when an official refuses to admit his mistake. I get so tired of hearing that the NFL supports the plays made on the field, even when it's obvious to the world that the call was wrong. He was wrong, but he admitted it and it was beyond his power to change it. We'll have to move on.
How did the Broncos cheat dude? It's yet another black eye to the NFL's officiating for sure but not to Denver. What were the Broncos supposed to do? Did you expect them to overrule the officials call and forfeit the game to the Chargers out of good faith?
The NFL shouldn't just be ok with moving on. They have a ton of problems to fix with their officiating. That play at the end where the whistle blew it dead, destroying the ability to refview what really happened was inexcusable.
I agree, I really think they should only blow the whistle to kill a play when the play is over, I mean it should be that simple, right? If a player is getting tackled, the play should go until he is tackled, you never know if he will break through the tackles, etc. Same with a dead ball situation, until the ball is secured by a player fumbled or not it should be alive ball.
Im fine with Hochuli's screw up. Everyone makes mistakes. It sucks that it had altered the outcome of the game. Fact of the matter is, i bet if this happened in the first quarter, and the game still had a good finish, it would have been nowhere near as big of a deal as it is. As for the one they couldnt review... Why are these plays reviewed on field anyways? Why not have a replay official upstairs at every game, with a monitor and every replay angle. I mean, surely if CBS had numerous replays of the play to show during their broadcast, an official upstairs should/would have had them. That to me is more inexcusable than an official, calling the game at real time speed making a mistake. Especially when he's known for being one of the top 3 officials in the game.
No. The refs were the reason the Chargers lost. The Chargers forced a fumble and recovered it. The refs gave it back to Denver. Must be nice to get a second chance.
Normally I would agree with this comment 100%, but this is not one of those examples at all. The ref came out and admitted it was "his Bad". The Broncos had done an excellent job getting the ball down field, Cutler made a mistake which should have cost them the game. But the ref's mistake made his mistake go away. Cutler lost the game for the Bronco's period. But it is what it is, it goes down as a W in Denver's book and that's all that matters at this point.
There were multiple reasons the chargers lost. Refs were one of them. However, the chargers did not force a fumble. Did you review it? It slipped out of his hand. Rules are, replay rules are, if the whistle is blown, it's dead. No ifs or buts. They don't want injuries to be caused. A whistle is a dead ball. Period. If this upsets anyone, they can just go back to NO replay whatsoever and all calls cannot be challenged.
If the Chargers could play some damn defense, this wouldn't be a topic. What they need to do is go fix their defense.