Well, I half heartedly mentioned it in the FA thread, but will go ahead and post it here. I am contemplating trade offers for one Karlos Dansby. Pretty sure this will be my final trade....but you never know. I don't really have anybody behind him in depth, so its far from a fire sale. I am still within my cap including draft picks, so it is also not a cap clearing trade.
Guess I need to update that. I tagged him. He's mine for the 5.+ linebacker tender. I will try to update my **** tonight when I'm home.
i double dog dare you nerds to put a "Dansby sings with" thread out there tonight. i'll see this gm league burned to the ground!!!
Alright, let me be a bit more specific. I would prefer to trade Kaptain Khaos for draft pick(s) which might include me swapping 1sts but not limited to that. I am also interested in an upper tier Guard I am going to close on this pretty quickly (before weekend is up) or go an entirely different direction.