So Who is going to bid? Come on I know some of you want to!
You know I'd managed to get this far without actually seeing any of his dancing on that show, but yesterday I watched his interview online & they had a few seconds of him hopping around in the lead-in. I almost tossed my cookies.
Yeah... he'll really be walkin' away from that $8mill this year at this rate, huh? Can't even muster 8 grand outside of football right now. To be fair, I'm sure he could get TV commercials for stuff like 'Always with Wings' or Downey Fabric Softener.
Know what? At least he specified he will do the lesson in Florida. So he plans to be in Florida, not California, from the sound of it. Even if he is not 100% sure what'll happen yet, he has not totally decided nor is he assuming that he's done in Florida.
Hey, Bill is available for rent too!!!! I say we get $60,000 collected from Dolphins fans, rent both of them for the night and stick the two of them in a room to talk. Problem solved, as only one will probably come out alive. It was nice knowin' ya Jason.
Sign my up for the pay per view on this one, but Parcells has to wear a shirt. His bare man-boobs are against the law
Well, if J.T. has to pawn himself off like this and can't raise 8 grand it speaks volumes about what kind of future he has in show business which is none. Come chase the QB for us J.T. That's the only respectable thing anybody is going to pay you for. Have some respect for yourself and quit Nancing about like a sissy.
Uh no! No celebrity is worth paying to dance with. They could pay me to dance with them, I'm worth it as much as they are.
You have to be one of the funniest people I have ever met. Well, I haven't exactly met you but read your posts. I love reading them lol, laugh almost everytime.
Or worse, which one would be the lead dancer... And I was once taken to task for calling JT "twinkle toes"...if the ballet shoe fits...