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Could the term "Sin" be over dramatized?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Fishweiser, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Theres been alot of talk about sin from both Christians and non Christians lately, and Im just wondering what the impact of the term "sin" is for most and also figure out how much of an impact it truly should have. For me, I hear the term "sin" I automatically think of hellfire, damnation, abomination etc....Its a pretty powerful term. But, when you consider that Christians believe we are all inherently sinners from the time we are born and its impossible for us to be free from sin, then it takes some of punch out of the term "sin" and makes it more like human error, or a mistake in judgement that we all do....add in that all sins are considered equally as bad....that sort of takes a little more punch out of the term....finally, if you consider that all sins can be forgiven, it really lightens the impact of the term "sin". Somehow, I think Im lost on the true gravity of what sin is. Im starting to think my first thoughts of "sin" being so terrible isnt quite accurate, just not so sure how far from accurate. Im curious to see what it is to others, and then maybe hear from those who study the subject more.
    Fin D likes this.
  2. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Thank you for an interesting question. I had not thought of it but you are correct, "sin" has lost its inherent meaning and has become culturally confused.

    At its core "sin" is that which separates us from God. If you go back in the Bible to the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall, sin is the selfishness that selects self over God (and ultimately over the other person). For Christians the reality of sin reminds us daily of our need for God. It becomes the negative force which pushes us towards repentance. (Note: repentance is the changing of a person's life while forgiveness is simply the dismissal of sin's error. The person who was wronged forgives, the Holy Spirit acting in each person calls that person to repentance)

    Sin and its effects should call each of us to be aware of the harm our behavior sometimes causes. It becomes a spur to amend one's life in order to become more aligned with God's will and thus the aid of others.

    I hope this helps. Being a pastor and this being 12/23, I may not stay up much with the discussion but thanks again for the question and to all a very blessed Christmas!
    Fin D and Fishweiser like this.
  3. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Thank you, and merry christmas to you as well!!

    To be honest, this question kinda came to me over the duck dynasty situation. I know there's a lot of friction between religion and homosexuality in regards to sin, and I thought maybe if there was a little perspective of just what sin is it might alleviate some tension for some.
  4. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    To elaborate a little more, I guess my hopes were that maybe both sides could learn a little something. If "sin" is what separates the two sides. If "sin" isnt as harsh as what we tend to think of it as, then maybe both sides can find a little more common ground rather than finding ways to separate and divide from each other.
  5. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    OK, I can speak a little to the sex/religion question as well. I should preface this by saying I do not know what the guy from Duck Dynasty said. I don't watch the show nor do I follow social media or celebrity news very much. Frankly at age 61, popular culture is not much on my radar at all!

    With that disclaimer, the Christian Church understands sex to be a gift from God for the purpose of procreation AND for the joy and maintenance of the relationship. I mean you share lots of what were formerly fairly intimate times with lots of people. You work with folks, eat with them, visit in their homes or in yours. These actions in the past were often only done within families. Sexual intimacy is best understood however in a faithful, monogamous relationship.

    The Bible speaks very little about homosexuality and even there the references are often to unequal power kinds of things. Yet whenever homosexual acts are spoken about they are rejected as "against nature". No model of a same gender monogamous relationship is ever even discussed.

    Since desire for self gratification is so near the surface in ANY sexual relationship, the chance for selfishness and exercise of self will instead of selflessness is rampant. Thus "lust" is one of the "deadly sins", that is, it is so powerful a driver within a person's life that it can drive a wedge between and individual and their relationship with God.

    Sex though is a gift from God and is still to be enjoyed in context. And reconciliation should always be a priority in any situation.
    Fishweiser and Fin D like this.
  6. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    To be honest, I havent read what was said straight from the guys mouth yet, only the reactions and what they say he said. Theres a bunch more to it, but basically what im focused on is that he viewed homosexuality as a sin. Ive been trying to understand both sides to it all, especially the "sin" part of it. Now if you totally disregard the duck dynasty thing and focus on sin and homosexuality and the two sides of the issue, there are some who see homosexuality as a "sin" and when they see it as a sin, they they think "sin" is the most terrible thing in the world and want to cast out all homosexuals when instead they should be more like "your a sinner, as Im a sinner as well, welcome". I think many are innocent of this, but get tossed into the mix regardless. On the flip side, you also have homosexuals who are told they are sinners and feel cast aside by religion when maybe they shouldn't. the two sides are a lot closer to each other according to what the bible tells us regarding sin. I just think the embellishment of how the term sin is viewed as is factor on the division of each side with those who my not understand it and how its meant.
    Ohiophinphan and Fin D like this.
  7. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    If I am understanding you correctly, I am also agreeing with you. First of all, if you accept the Christian premise that we are "by nature sinful and unclean" then a person who sees themselves as a homosexual is no more or less a sinner than anyone else. The actions one engages in may or may not increase our separation from God or others.

    For selfish and yes, sinful reasons, people often judge another's sins based on some criteria which God would not endorse.

    When I reproach someone's behavior, I try to do it with an eye towards keeping themselves from harming themselves. To love your neighbor sometimes means telling them a hard truth that they could be harming their relationship with God or others. I am not perfect and sometimes come across judgmentally but I work at it a lot.

    Christian practitioners are just as susceptible to sin as is anyone else.
  8. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Very good point. I always appreciate your responses and views. You do very good in your line of work and clarifying things that kinda get blurred, especially when politics get involved. I'd love to make it to a Sunday service of yours someday.
    Fin D and Ohiophinphan like this.
  9. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    Thank you Ohiophinphan.
    Fin D, finyank13 and Ohiophinphan like this.

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