I was wondering why i have so much crap on my task bar? Which files can i delete. Thanks for any help!
you mean you right click them and they won't go away? or you go to the control panel and remove them that way but they won't go away? do you know what they are?
Some i do, but i was wondering why i have like 7 svchost.exe. and 2 explorer.exe, and a couple of doubles...
http://exelib.com/ - this can help you find the following.. ok do "start - run - msconfig - startup" and list what's there. move the "command" tab over so it shows the extension please.. screenshot, report back.. or you can look them up at exe lib yourself just make sure you put exactly what it says on your computer into the search. if it says it's bad disable it. if it doesn't say anything about it don't do anything. if it says it's good obviously keep it. don't touch it if the site is unsure. it can really screw up your system. this helps you find viruses..
You almost made me reallly, really, proud when i saw MegaManager.exe, because for a split second I thought it was MegaMan.exe. and that would have just been awesome. as far as your actual troubles though, I'm not sure why you have doubles of a lot of things.. do you run dual systems on your computer or anything?
yes, i have a lot of them disabled, but I still have a lot of crap there. Everything i dont need is off, but i still get duplicates!
is it like this all the time or just right now? if your computer has been on for a long time sometimes it is helpful to restart.
Its always man, I dont want to install windows again cause i have so much crap i would have to back up =\
Download and run Malwarebyte's app called Startuplite. If you are uncomfortable editing your startup configuration then this is for you. http://www.freewarefiles.com/StartUpLite-V_program_28524.html
well the first confusing thing in here, is you say task bar when you mean task manager... but you should have multiple svchosts running because thats the inherent way Windows runs its services now... it uses DLLs rather than exe files, but to actually run the DLL it uses svchost.exe... so its fine to have multiple of those... explorer i dont think you should have more than 1 of though, never heard of that one before... are you having issues with your computer or were you just worried that you may start to have problems by seeing these repeats in the task manager?
Run MSCONFIG from either a command prompt or from start > run Looks for things that dont look like standard Windows components. Im assuming you play a lot of online games as you have punkbusterA and B on there which should only start when you are playing the games. Set them to manual start using services.msc. Also would suggest downloading Avdanced SystemCare from iobit and using that to clean your system out. Its free and if you go into the utilities it has some really good things to clean stuff that you never knew existed. AGain it has a startup manager that may stop a lot of these things being there. Checking out the screenshot I can guess that you have the following apps running that dont need to run on startup unless you are using them all the time Alcohol 120% SpySweeper - spyware killer , never used it uses a lot of reources though IDMAN.exe - sugest looking here http://www.file.net/process/idman.exe.html Also you are running multiple download managers which will pretty much kill your PC and any bandwidth that it has. Suggest removing some of them and see if that makes a difference. Let me know if that helps at all and I will take a look further when i can grab some more time
All the items in the Task Manager look like normal processes to me. How long has it been since you've done a complete system restore? I have an old VAIO 2.2 Celeron that was really slow. I did a complete back-up and reload and it's running a lot smoother now--mostly because scraps of old junk were cleaned out in the process. As Windows gets more complicated, there'll be more stuff in the background. If you don't do a complete back-up and rebuild, I recommend you look through your Add/Remove Programs for things you don't use much and remove them as well as look for things in your start-up that you really don't need every day.