This is a couple days old however ill use it to see how many people from the gaming area have moved over. 4 new maps will be released on april 3rd for $10.;title;1 Now i love COD and pretty much play it non-stop when im not working or here but i don't know if i want to pay that much for these maps....anyone getting these?
I think $10.00 is pretty reasonable to be honest. I think of it as an expansion pack accept expansion packs usually cost more then $10.00. The game is so damn good the only thing I'm tiring of is the maps, adding 4 more into the multi-player mix will be sweet and well worth $10.00....IMO.
i have this game for both PS3 and 360 too bad it isnt gonna be on the PS3 that soon.i normally play on PS3 cause more of my buddies have it on PS3 ,but i might have to switch for a while with these new maps comin out.the tv station looks cool.
I'm undecided on buying them. I really love the game, but $10 for me is a little too steep. I wish they would do what Bungie does and charge for the first few months and then make them free.
I'm sick of Microsoft nickle and diming me for every add on. $60 bucks for a game is enough without having to pay for all the extras. I own all 3 systems and am patiently waiting for PS3's online community to catch up with the competition. Free = better.
I'm curious how this is going to work for people that don't buy the new maps. Since the maps are random what's going to happen in a room if there are people that bought the new maps and people that didn't?
maybe they will do it like halo and have a different playlist for people that bought the maps and then put them all in all the gametype rotations when they are free? not sure though.
I've played games in the past where I didn't have the latest patch or the latest map pack (Gears for example). I could only join certain servers, but once that server loaded a new map I would get disconnected. It was pretty lame. You may be able to find servers that do not play those maps.