Well this sucks nothing like a plain field.
WHATT?? Its bad enough watching them play on baseball dirt, now were not even going to decorate the field over that eyesore of a part-time baseball field?
I could be wrong, but it sounds like the Dolphins' name and logos will only be missing during UM games, and not Dolphins games.
The Dolphins logos will be there during Dolphins games. There will be no logos during Hurrican games....which does suck
All I really care about is getting rid of the damn dirt infield, can't build a stadium for the Marlins fast enough to suit me. After that, just play the games on grass.
I really hope that you're right! A plain field would be horrible, no more home game feeling for dolfans! The "U" and the Marlins should get their own stadiums! Or built a new one for us!
I don't think that's right, because the quote immediately following talks about the difficulty of having logos for two tenants.
screw it.. I say they take away the Aqua and Orange from all the Jerseys and pants.. remove the logo from the helmet and let them play in all white until we make our own Idenity
I hope this is just a temporary deal because of the baseball configuration. Ideally, once the Marlins' lease expires, the grass should be removed in favor of FieldTurf. That way the logos can be easily switched out; just replace the end zone and midfield covers.