Was just hired by the rams as OC per NFL Sirius. Im currently looking for an internet link but make no mistake, Cam is the new OC of the rams Good luck Cam!
Wow, Linehan and him have different offense's, but I think Cam fits Bulgers game better. Look for Jackson to have a huge year if this is correct.
He's back at a position he's actually got some talent and ability at. Good for him, but I still say thanks for nothing for the Dolphins season.
Great offensive mind, Offense Guru, QB Guru... As long as they have top players right? Please, stop believing media hyperbole year after year, hot coach after hot coach. Once just once can you believe your own eyes maybe? I don't care about reputations, especially unknown coaches (Cam circa Indiana/start of his SD gig).
Actually you know the funny thing? 2008 opponents Interconference by Division Home S. Francisco Arizona Away Seattle St. Louis
I was loyal to Cam when he was here. I will be loyal to the next coach. I can't wait to see how the fan base acts when our next coach faces adversity. Which he will. Will they throw him under the bus too? They will give up and start whining just like with Cam. No one seems to have any patience. It's not the heat..........
Oh no, in the beginning I was willing to give cam a chance but as the season unfolded it was evident he wasn't/would never be ready. My gripe is this media anointment of so-called greatness of every new face. How long has Brian Billick been considered a guru? He's a fraud. It's still early but Sean Payton? He loses Duece and they go down hill. So after witnessing this past season and still saying cam has a great offensive mind is puzzling to me. btw, I appreciate the play on words.
Good luck to Cam Cam is actually one of the best offensive coaches in the game today, he just overextended himself while he was here. He should have hired a coordinator to take the pressure off himself, but he didn't and he made some mistakes. Having great offensive talent to work with doesn't hurt either, but it isn't necessary. I get the feeling that Miami wanted his offense sooo badly that they hired him as HC even though he had no NFL HC experience. That's the only way we could get him. Is the sky blue? I fully expect some people to call for the heads of our next HC, Ireland and Parcells next year because this isn't a playoff team and Miami fans are way too impatient to go through a rebuild process.
If they stay healthy, there's another talent overload that should make him look good. Nonetheless, best wishes.
IM happy hes landed on his feet just as I am happy hes no longer our HC, a position he was clearly overmatched for. Its too bad for him Bulger will be injured within 4 games as usual and that Orlando Pace may be done.
Yep and he is going to a team with a great fullback to use out of the backfield, a great RB in Jackson and a very good QB in Bulger, they will be a tough offense. But I still have not seen it announced on any sites.
It's not even lack of patience with me. I was patient with Wannstedt. I was patient with Saban. I'll be patient with Sparano or whoever the next coach might be. However, when it's obvious someone's lost as a head coach and it's painstakingly obvious, I don't want to see the team continue to be at that low of a level. Cameron was one of those cases of a person who was in so far over his head it was painstakingly obvious. As for the new job, I'm glad for him. In spite of my criticism of his coaching, he is without question a hell of a coordinator. In St. Louis, he'll have some good tools to work with and I fully expect Jackson, Holt and Bulger to be maximized to their full potential. Again, nothing I'm saying about Cam is personal. I hope the Rams compete for the NFC West next year. However, again I reiterate-- some are just better being soldiers and should never be general. Cam isn't the first good coordinator to sink as a head coach and he by no means will be the last.
Is this a reference to a certain ex-Rutgers player who also got voted to the All-Rookie team this year? Just wondering.
The funny thing is cam just went to a situation where Linehan isn't exactly on solid footing w/ either the players or mangement. It is an interesting choice, anyone think he is hoping to make enough of an impression that if Lineham is fired, that he might be the next coach in line there?
Jackson was already a beast. But the question is will Jaclkson have enough of an O-line in St. Louis to get it done?
damnit, why can't they play in San Fran, I want to catch a darn game (I'm in San Diego). Do you have a full listing of their games? I know two are TBD or so.
Here ya go bro...Sorry man! Intraconference by Division Home Oakland San Diego Away Denver Kansas City Interconference by Division Home S. Francisco Seattle Away Arizona St. Louis Intraconference by Position Home AFC-North Away AFC-South
Dolphins are playing out here against the Cards next season. It's a road game for them. I got a packet from them trying to get me to be on the Season Ticket Waiting List (there's a punchline in here somewhere about the Cards having a waiting list for ST, but I just can't find it) and one of the home games was listed as against Miami.